Chapter 11: Caught Red Handed

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The alarm clock has been blaring for you to wake up. Your blurry vision tries to fix on reading the clock. It's 11:00 A.M!!! You get up and notice that Epiphany was still asleep. You walk towards her to wake her up.

"Hey! Our parents might be coming home in an hour or two!!"

She jolts up, gets out of bed, and goes to the bathroom. You went to your brother's room and woke them up as well. You went downstairs to eat cereal. Your siblings went downstairs to eat as well. After eating, you quickly cleaned the house a bit to make it presentable and not raise any suspicions. 12:30 a.m. and you watch your parents pull up the driveway from your window. Epiphany turns to ask a question.

"(Y/N), are you going to tell our parents that you and Peter are dating?"

"Well, I suppose I should tell them," You replied. "But we can't tell them about the party!"

"How will we do that? I bet the farm has cautionary tape and cops!" She realized.

"Our parents only know what we helped them set up, but they will flip out when they hear about the body!" You began to overthink this situation. "It's best that they don't find out that we went."

Epiphany nodded as the front door was opened.

"Hiya kids!! We're back!!" Hollered your mom.

"Hope you all didn't miss us!"Spoke to your dad.

"Hi, mom! Hi dad!" You and your siblings said at the same time.

"We bought lots of interesting things for you all!" Cheered your mom. "As well as some stuff for our farm!"

Your mom opens her duffel bag to hand each of you something. Toby got a green action figure. Micah got a new film Polaroid camera. Epiphany got a new dress that was crocheted and had a sandy white color. For you, your mom got you an oversized, pine green hoodie with a small embroidered design of a pumpkin on the center of the chest.

"There wasn't a peach sweater but it still looks cute!" Your mom smiled.

You tried it on and it fit you large. The sweater was almost up to your knees. However, it was very comfortable like a blanket. You and your siblings thanked your parents so much. Everyone was joyful until your mom brought up the cautionary tape all over Andy's farm.

"When we were driving, it was blocked off by police. Do you all happen to know about it?"

"Honestly, we didn't know what was going on next door. We were home when we heard the commotion outside."

"We were scared to even look outside, so we turned off all the lights in the house. During the time the police came, we hid in my room." Added Epiphany.

Your dad then turned on the TV in his armchair to the local news.

"Breaking News!! A farm from Roots County is being sealed off by police when on Saturday night, a dead body has been found on the dance floor of a party. Eyewitness accounts say that the body fell from the sky. As of now, the body has still not been identified. If you see someone suspicious or who came to the party, contact local Roots County Sheriff's Office."

"That's tragic!... Hold on. Didn't you all go next door on Friday?" Your mom asked. "Why did you go?"

"We helped them set up for the party," Micah replied.

"And did they invite you?" She continued.

"Yeah they did but we didn't go-" Toby was quivering but was interrupted.

"I went there." You broke the silence. "Andy told me to look out for the farm while he was away. That's what I did."

"(Y/N)! Why didn't you tell me!" Your mom argued. "Something bad could've happened to you!"

"Yeah! The police could've made you a person of interest in this! What were you thinking?" input your Dad.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you." You are hindered in shame.

"And what did you do? What happened?" Your mom further interrogated you.

" Pierre now." You blurted out.

Everyone stared at you. Eyes were widened and mouths dropped. Your dad fainted.

"Ronnie!! Are you okay??" Your mom went to your dad's aid. "Everyone except (Y/N) go to your rooms!"

You helped your mom prop up your dad on his armchair and sprayed alcohol on his face. He slowly wakes up and asks what happened. Eventually, it was you versus your parents.

"(Y/N)! I am so proud to have your first boyfriend!" Your mom cheered but shifted moods. "But going to that party without permission is no good!"

Your dad remained silent. You felt unsure about his thoughts about your dating.

"Okay, so I agreed with your dad that you will be grounded for a week."

"But ma! Who will take my siblings and Andy's friends to school?" You argued.

"I will take them to school! There's no problem with that." Your mom insisted. "Your dad will prevent you from leaving this farm. You will help us on the farm."

Your dad only nodded. Your mom then sent you to your room and asked the rest of your siblings to help out in the kitchen. You mentally prepare yourself for this boring week. A week without Peter...😢 You can't get him off of your head. The kisses, his touch, and his personality drive you crazy. You want him more than ever.

At the barn, Peter lays on his haystack bed thinking about you. You left your tiara and bouquet here. He placed the flowers in a vase and watered them. Your tiara was next to the vase. A strand of your (h/c) hair got stuck on the comb part of the tiara. Peter wanted more of you. He wants to claim you as only his, but because of this new threat, he has to take care of you by avoiding you.

Back to your house, you went downstairs for dinner. Everyone was sullen and minded their own business. You went to your room upset and did not interact with anyone. Meanwhile, at the farm, the police had thoroughly searched the farm grounds and found nothing. They even searched the barn, but Peter was not dumb enough to stay in there. Police did find a suspicious suitcase in the piles of haystacks. They had taken the suitcase as evidence and then left. The crime scene cleaners took care of the rest. Claus, Margaret, Melody, and Felix came back from the police station and returned to the farm. There was no more crime scene tape anywhere and the mess had been cleaned up. This was perfect since Andy will come back from his shopping trip on Monday. Out of nowhere, Andy appears behind them.

"Hey, guys!! I decided to come back early because I thought you all would be sad if I came home later." Andy cheered.

His friends were petrified of his unexpected presence, but they were able to get him off their backs. They talked to him so that he can get their minds off of the incident. Although they have been cleared from being suspects, they mustn't let Andy know about yesterday.


You slept in at 10 A.M. and your siblings were nowhere to be found. Downstairs, your dad was at the dinner table reading a newspaper.

"Good Morning, dad." You told him but no answer.

You made yourself breakfast and across from him. The silence was there and you could already tell why he wasn't answering you.

"Dad. If you don't agree with me dating then that's on you," You broke the silence. "I love Pierre and you have to accept that I am no longer a kid!"

"(Y/N), I am not mad at you for that. If anything I am so proud that you are dating," Your dad answered. "What I'm upset about is that you went to a party without our permission. You could've been seen as a suspect or-even worse-killed."

"Dad, I had forgotten to ask you, and Andy put me in charge of caring for his farm. I never knew that would've happened!"

"You're my first child, (Y/N). I don't want anything to happen to you." Your dad's tone got calm. "We love you (Y/N). And I'm not upset that you're dating now. I hope he is the one for you."

Your dad had gotten up from his seat and hugged you. You returned the hug and reassured him that you are okay. Although you were still grounded, you didn't stay mad at your parents anymore.

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