chapter 3: flute player

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Months Later...

Zhan,Jun-kyu!!over here!"there friends called them.

"Hihihi,"Zhan laughed cutely,and run to their friends.

"Zhannie, slow down you might fa—" Jun-kyu stopped what he was going to say when Zhan collided into someone and lost his balance and caused him to fall.

"ZHANNIE!!" Jun-kyu called worriedly and immediately approached him, helped him and immediately checked if he was hurt.

"Kyu-kyu I'm fine," Zhan said.

Then Kyu turned to the group,and glared at them.

"Sorry Gege..." Zhan says to the group.

"Zhan-zhan are you alright?",the group asked Zhan.

Zhan turned to the group."yes Jie,."

And the lady glared at the other SA.(Yibo)

"Let's go,"and asses Zhan walk to their table.

"Sorry again Gege."Zhan turned to the guy(Yibo),who chose not to talk anything.

"I noticed that our top 8 didn't come often at SA building."Asahi.

"Hmm,"the only they heard from Haruto.

"Hmm,"the only they heard from Haruto

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Haruto Watanabe

Is one of the quietest in SA just like his childhood friend Yibo.
He is the son of the owner of Safire Jewelry Business, where there family is known for making jewelry across the country.
And he was the top 3 at the group.
And he is secretly likes their top 8,and now he was so jealous because of that new guy, because of that transfery he only sees their top 8 once.

"Let's go,"Yibo...


' ugh!exam was so boring,' Zhan whined to himself.

' let's finish this,so I can go back home a soon as possible.'

Zhan finished his all exam after 30 minutes, and didn't realize what such of misfortune he did. He passed his exam then go out from the boring class. And roaming around.

While roaming he didn't notice that he had trespassed into the territory of  SA.

And he was in the middle of Forrest that even the SA never been before.

And he accidentally discover a very beautiful paradise.

The place is too secluded and surrounded by mountains so no one discover,or they are faired to go

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The place is too secluded and surrounded by mountains so no one discover,or they are faired to go.

Zhan sit down to the big rock and take out his flute from his bag.

He knows it's dangerous to play and make noise in the middle of Forrest,faired to disturb any wild creature...

But Zhan feeling the atmosphere,to quiet,and far away from stress.

Then he start to play a beautiful tone.

After he played first time,he played again for the second time.

The beautiful tone is echoing around the forest.

And the man who was resting at the greenhouse heard the beautiful tone.

And because of that tone somewhere from distance, something creature awaken from the long sleep.


"You heard too?"Asahi asked his friends.

"Heard what?" Yedam,

"The tone...the tone from flute–"Asahi.

"Yeah!I too heard the tone. It's really beautiful,and relaxing. Who might be played that beautiful tone." Seongyeon asked.


Hello dearest reader,
Sorry for the wrong grammar...

Because first of all english is not my language.

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