The carriage took me to the centre of the town where the executions where about to be held. The executioner was sharpening his axe and I can remember this moment 8 years ago.
My mother her screams echoing amongst the crowd as I was in the towns square being prepared to be whipped. Yes, 10 year old me being prepared to be whipped in front of the biggest crowd I had ever seen. My eyes were tearing up and my nose was dripping blood from when the man had hit me. All I had wanted was a single piece of bread for my dying father. But just as I was about to be whipped my mother jumped in front of me protecting me from harm. She had lost an eye and was about to pay the ultimate price for interrupting with the actions of the man who was going to whip me. 'Please just let her go....' She had pleaded. So they took her, and took me with them. They held my head up making me watch as the executioner had one more person to kill. My mother was forced onto the block. Tears streaming down her face and in one swift move she was dead her head rolling towards me making a sickening thud and her blood sprawled across the block. And all I could do in that moment was run. So I bit the mans hand and ran as fast as I can the picture of mothers head rolling to my feet and that sickening thud stuck in my head. I left my father and I had caused my mothers death that day and I will always remember that day.
An Assassins Cloak
ActionReign Aurosalias only wants one thing revenge on those who wronged her. Little does she know far more is about to happen to her.