𝟕 -- 𝐄𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥

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Today, it's been official that I took a day off and decided to enjoy my "Me Time". I agreed to myself that I should take a walk early in the morning and do whatever I want just for a day, get some things off of my head. Finally, I got some time for my camera too, I brought it with me so I can relax and maybe take some pictures of the views I see. 

Unfortunately for me, I saw Peter and I's picture still on the camera. I thought that maybe I could keep it and just buy a new SD for the camera, which I did before walking beside the sea with the railings on it. The wind is welcoming me as I gladly accept it and instantly smiled. The birds flying in the sky look so free like if they want to do something, they can. I pretty much envy them. Mom was right, I should've enjoyed my teenage years, but the one person on it left me, as I left him. We both left each other. 

It's been days ever since I last saw Harry, he comes by shortly and leaves after he talks to me for a few seconds. And there are days that sometimes he doesn't come and let his driver pick up what he ordered. Maybe he got a lot of work since his father passed all the responsibilities of Oscorp to him.

Speaking of which. My smile widen as I saw a familiar face, I approached him. "Harry!" I jogged and slowed down when I'm finally beside him. He gazed in my direction and smiled. He welcomed me with his hug and I welcomed him with mine.

"Ana!" We pulled away, still with smiles on our faces.

"How come you never visit the store anymore?" I placed my hand on his arm as I shook him playfully.

"Got a lot of work to do, never got time. I promise I'm going to visit it very soon."

"Copy that." I smiled then he gestured his hand in front of him.

"By the way, Ana this is my friend." I glanced at who he was talking about and my smile immediately vanished from my face as I saw him, his expression was shocked too like mine is. "Peter. Peter this is Ana." 

Peter wiped his hands on his pants and offered a hand to shake. "Hello, Ana." I didn't hesitate to shake his hands and pretended I didn't know him.

I put on my forced smile as I feel my insides starting to get sad, I accepted his offer and shake hands with him. "Hi, Peter." He didn't let go of my hand, so I'm just the one to pull it away. I turned to look at Harry who was looking at us suspiciously. "I didn't know you're talking to a friend of yours, I'm really sorry to interrupt."

Harry put a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright. Maybe you want to join us?"

I shook my head and smiled genuinely. "No, no, it's fine. Besides, I have errands to run. And I'll be home soon, don't want to stay out late before it gets dark." I walked a little closer to him and whispered. "Remember that time I applied to Oxford for a scholarship?" He pulled away instantly and looked at me kinda shocked.

"You did it?"

"No, no. They texted me earlier this morning and they said I'm getting the results this evening." I kept my voice low.

"I'm sure you're going to make it." He nodded his head as a sign of reassuring me. "You know what? Why don't I come to your house later and let us both wait for the result, how 'bout that?" His voice was in a normal tone, he wasn't whispering as I did, so I'm sure Peter heard it.

"If you insist, I couldn't stop you from doing so." He knows my house, that time when I cried inside their house, he offered me a ride to my house, I didn't accept it at first because of the thought that I might disturb him with something, but I eventually gave up as he insist over and over again. He nodded and I said my goodbye then walked away from where they were.


Me and Harry were in the living room as we wait for Oxford to email me and tell me the results. We were waiting impatiently and we both jumped as we saw the school finally email me.

I turned to Harry. "Should I really read it?"

"Why not?"

"But I don't want to."

"Don't be silly."

"I'm not." I showed him my hands. "See this? This is how nervous I am." My hands were creating a pool of sweat.

"I'm going to read it." I nodded and covered my eyes as he opened up the email from my laptop. I could hear him mumbling the words, I couldn't understand it. I just waited for him to finish as I tried to peek. I read the first sentence that caught my eyes and immediately screamed. "What? Why?"

I pointed my index finger at the screen that was saying "You are accepted". We both stood up and hugged each other. "Oh my god!" We pulled away. "I did i-" I was cut off when a pair of lips touched mine as two palms cupped my cheeks. I was too shocked and he pulled away. I gulped as his eyes widened and realized what he did. 

"I'm sorry." He sat on the couch.

"It's fine, you were just happy for me." I sat beside him when his ringtone started to ring around the atmosphere. He stood up and started to talk to someone on the other line of the phone. After a few minutes of the phone call, he hangs up.

"I need to go. Congratulations by the way." He patted my shoulder and exited the house. I sat there silently and stared at the screen of the laptop. Now what?

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 | peter parker ( andrew garfield )Where stories live. Discover now