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It was the next day and you were still at the Gallagher a house. You woke up in carls bed again. You were woken up by the sun shining threw the curtains. You blinked a bit before rising up and rubbing your eyes. You stare around the room for a moment before climbing down the latter and jumping off the last bar again. You were still in the same clothes. You opened the door as you rubbed your eyes and walked down the creaky hallway. You then got it the old stairs and walked down them again. You walked threw the living room to the kitchen. You see Debbie feeding franny, Liam getting ready for school,franks screaming about beer,lip talking on the phone, and fiona getting ready for her work. You didn't see Carl thought which was kinda odd. You walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a cup. You then picked up the orange juice on the counter and took off the white cap. You poured the juice in the cup before screwing on the cap again and setting the juice on the counter. You walked up to Fiona with your juice and asked where Carl was.

" Oh uh I think he is at Capitan Bobs"  She responded why she packed her purse.

" Oh thanks fiona"  you said as you turned around and walked away why drinking your juice.

You walked upstairs and threw the hallway again. You walked into the 3 boys shared room. You set your juice down on lips dresser. You liked through Carl closet to find a Harley Davidson shirt and a pair of black jeans. You threw those on. You saw a sliver chain on the floor so you decide to pick it up and put it on for style. You brushed your hair out with your fingers. You grabbed your phone out of your bag that was on the floor. You walked diver to pick up your juice why you unlocked your phone. You saw that Carl  texted you. You drank your juice as you read the text.

' hey went to captain bobs, love you'

You gulped down the juice before setting the cup down on lips dresser again. You stuffed your phone in the pockets and ran out of the room. You shuffled down the stairs and ran out the front door quickly. You ran to captain bobs.

Once you saw the big blue sign you jogged the rest of your way there. You got there. You stopped running to open the glass door. You opened it wide. You walked in as the door closed behind you. You'd see a blonde haired lady with a white ruffled shirt at the register. You went up to her and asked her if she's seen Carl.

" Oh yea Um he's in the back but who are you" Lori said. You obviously read her badge.

" I'm his-" you were cut off by Carl coming out form the back. When you saw him you smiled.

"Oh I got this Lori this is my girlfriend" Carl said looking at me with his hands on his hips.

You smiled at him as he smiled at you.

" Come her babe" You heard Carl say as he held his arms out.

You ran in the back and jumped in his open arms. Once you got done hugging him he was still holding you. You looked at him and smiled again. He quickly kissed you.

"Are those my clothes" He asked you why slightly smiling and looking at you.

" Sorry" you said as you smiled almost laughing.

He put you down.

"Ok Carl back to work" You heard Lori say as she walked in the back.

Carl got closer to you. He held your face.

" I'll see you tonight ok I promise" he said as he smiled. 
You smiled and nodded.
He kissed your forehead quickly before letting go off your face and smiling at you before walking off.

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