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"Do you remember when we were 15 and almost had sex because of 7 minutes in heaven", I asked Savannah. "Of course I do it was the first time we kissed and plus we probably weren't gonna do anything because I wanted to wait." "I guess so"

Flash back

"Ok we're playing 7 minutes in heaven guys Luke spin the bottle" I spun the bottle and it landed on Savannah she looked up at me. It was weird we're best friends.

"Come guys you have to do it" "Yh don't be a baby". "Fine ok ok I'll do it" I say and savannah agrees.

They shut the door and I stare in Savannah's eyes and she looks at mine back. "So do I kiss you know" I whispered, "I guess so". I lean forward as kiss her then we deepen the kiss she is leaning on the wall. We keep kissing and I start to take my clothes of and so does she, "so what do we do now" she asks staring at my lips, "just do whatever"


he started to kiss my neck which really turned me on I want to what but I at this moment i might just break, "Luke I love you so much but I can't do it right know" I say panting. "It's ok I'll take care of you come on" "no" "ok".

We're sitting on the floor and I just feel really horny right now i want to touch myself but Luke's here. "Luke I can compromise with you, so instead of having sex just oral and a hand job" "ok if you want I don't mind honestly" he says nervously. He comes up to me and puts a finger in my panties and then it reaches it and I feel the pleasure coming up I almost moaned, once he realised it he puts to in and goes faster. "Omg Luke, your hand feels so good I'm gonna cum" I just realise on his hand. I look up at his and his eyes were full lust, "I'll do you next" I wrap my hand around it and start moving up and down. I look at his fast and he had his eyes closed I go a bit faster and he starts to moan "crap Yh keep doing that". When we were done we got changed and once out of the closet everyone was gone.


"We shouldn't have done that in the first place we were 15 what children do that" "it's ok we weren't as faithful as we are now and that's ok so don't beat yourself up about it but just you never forget that moment it's one of the nights I've never remembered" "of course baby never ever but do you remember the first time we kissed" "Yh but you can remind me".

Flash back

"Mum can i go to Luke's house" I ask my mum, "sure honey just be back before dark" "ok". I quickly get on my bike and ride to his house and knock on the door.

"Well hello there Savannah how are you young lady" Luke's dad says, "I'm ok can I come in to play with Luke I asked my mum she said to be in before dark" "sure come in LUKE SAVANNAHS HERE" before I knew it I heard footsteps running down the stairs, "hi Savannah", "hi Luke can we go outside" "sure let's go in the treehouse my dad made".

We run outside into the treehouse, it almost has everything, games and much more. We talk for hours on end about random stuff.

"Hey Luke I've I have to leave in an hour so what do you want to do?" "Umm we could play the question game?" "What's that?" "Basically someone asks a question then the other person answers?" "Ok I'll go first, do you have a crush?", he looks up a little nervous, "uhh yes, do you have a crush?" "yes, maybe, so have you had your first kiss before?" "No have you" "No?" I respond. "Do you want to have your first kiss now?" "Like right now, with who?" "With me" I look up at him awkwardly staring in his eyes. "I mean you don't have to like I know you have a crush and everything-" "I don't mind" I say cutting him off. "Ok".

We both lean in to each other until our lips meet. I was about to pull away but then Luke started cupping my face and stared in my eyes. "We can do again" "sure ok". Then he pulls me back and we start kissing again. We only stop when Luke's mum says I have to go home now. I pull away. "Ok I'm coming" "I have to go now" "ok I'll see you later then" "Yh". Before I left I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

End of flash back

" That was the time I fell in love with you" Luke said, "same, I just wish I would have told you sooner". "We'll everything happens for a reason who knows if we did tell each other sooner we might not have had Carmen" "Yh, I love you so much your the best wife, the best mum and the best lover ever like ever it's so wonderful I don't want to stop", he says whilst I'm giggling, then he continues, " but the best thing about you is that your my best friend." "Your my best friend too". "Let's get some sleep ok baby" "ok i love you", he responded with, "I love you too."

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