Pennywise The Final Chapter.

31 17 5

Chapter 3.

Today was the day today I have to kill Pennywise.

Everyone was asleep in my house.

It's 12:00.

I am going to sleep by setting alarm for 20 minutes my friends remember me don't wake up before 20 minutes

my dream starts pennywise appears in front of me i didn't wake up for 20 mins i run away from it i catch it after 20 mins and my friends pick me up

Now Pannevise had no power

But Pennywise had a knife, with that knife he killed my friends David and Nancy

And Pennywise kills his girl too

He kills my parents too

kidnaps me before pannivis

pennywise ties my hands and feet and cuts off my hand I scream out loud

Pennywise stabs me in the heart

i die

I hear a voice Lisa Lisa when will you be sleeping

Then I realize it was a dream

mommy i'm coming

Then I see I had blood in my throat
The end..........

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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