𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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Jungkook's POV

"Hyung?" I pull at his shirt, "What do we do?"

"There are way too many zombies outside to shoot or fight through," Hoseok states the obvious running a hand through his hair, "We need to distract them and make our way through it."

"How do we distract them? Should we call our men and ask them?" I walk to the sink and wash my face.

"We can't endanger all our men like that," Hoseok replies, "They'll turn into one of those monsters if they get bitten. It's not like a bullet wound where we have chances to save them. We cannot get them back. They'll be gone."

"Then what do we do?" I sigh and slide down the wall.

"Shush," Hoseok shoves his pointer finger against my lips, "I'm gonna peek outside."

I nod and watch him with concern. He slowly unlocks the door and cracks it open a chink. He peeks out cautiously ready to slam the door back close if one of them hurls at us. My heart races as I sit on the floor with my hands firmly pressed onto the floor in case we need to make a run. Hoseok slowly closes the door with a sigh. 

"It's crawling with zombies but I might have an idea," he says.

"What?" I ask standing up and reloading my gun.

"Okay, so," he breathes in, "I'm gonna open that door slowly run out-"

"What!?" I yell, "No, you are not running out anywhere to do nothing," I state firmly with a huff.

"Jungkook, just listen first!" He says, "I'll run out to the washroom on the opposite side while you cover my back from here and I'll close the door and bang on it. Then you can slowly walk out and make it to Lia when they get attracted to the door. You can come and get me after Lia is safe."

"But what if you can't make it to the other washroom safely?" I ask in worry. He wasn't just my personal secretary but also my brother and an amazing friend. When I had no one, he was there for me. I couldn't lose him.

"I will make it," Hoseok pats my shoulder and presses it firmly, "I will. Got it? Now, message Lia and ask for her locker's location."

"Alright," I pull out my phone and message her.

Saccharin Lia :(

Baby. Lia? You there?


You're okay, right?

Yeah, I'm in the locker.

Ok good. Stay there. 

I'm at yr college. I need
you to tell me where your 
locker is.

It's in the business corridor.

The first right after u enter
the business corridor. Locker

Alr, bby im coming.Stay
in there 

Jungkook, I can't open the
locker from the inside... :\

I forgor lol sorry babe im

come fast u bitch im scared

yeah wait im trying cya
babes <3

"Okay, I got her location. Please be careful," I try to hold my tears back and avoid eye contact with Hoseok, "I don't have anyone else other than you and Lia. No one."

"And you will have both of us, okay?" He smiles softly and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze him hard into the hug and he huffs out, "Yo, you're killing me."

"I'm sorry," I chuckle trying to bite back the pain from seeping into my words but Hoseok detects it.

"Everything will be okay," Hoseok says and pats my back. He breathes in and out reloading his gun, "Ready?"

"I'm not sure," I whimper.

"C'mon," Hoseok stretches his long legs, "We don't got much time."

I nod and stand up straight twisting to crack my bones.

"Let's go," Hoseok opens the door slightly. I hold onto his wrist, "You will make it, right? Promise?"

"Promise," he gives a heart-shaped smile and turns to the door, "Kay, I'm going."

He runs out carefully and the zombies snarl, hearing his footsteps. They snap their heads at him and start running to him. A zombie tackles him from the front and I shoot it down. He quickly pushes a zombie out of the way and runs into the washroom. He gets in and tries to close it but he swears, "Shit!"

"What?" I ask from behind the door.

"There's no fucking door!" He runs inside the washroom and the zombies flood inside it.

"Shit," I murmur under my breath and slam the door close banging on it constantly so that the zombies would run towards my door. I hear bangs and footsteps outside the door and confirm they're outside.

"Hyung!" I yell, "Get inside the stalls! And barricade the opening below the stall door with another one," I don't hear a reply and I assume that he's not replying on purpose to not attract the zombies. I look around the washroom to find something to make some noise with. I couldn't keep banging at the door, I might break it. I find mental buckets and I start banging them together. I keep banging it for a few mins till I hear a similar banging from outside. I realise that Hoseok has gotten himself inside safely. I stop the banging and I hear footsteps of the zombies walking away. I hear thuds and I assume that they're tripping on thin air. I roll my eyes and slowly crack the door open. 

I peek outside to see the zombies crowding in the washroom, "I hope they don't climb over," I murmur to myself and look around to find any boards or signs. I find a board that shows directions to different parts of the college. I see 'Business Department' on the board and an arrow beside it pointing to the direction. I step out of the washroom slowly and tiptoe towards wherever the arrow showed; blindly trusting the board... I mean I don't have another choice.

I reach just outside the business corridor. I stand flat against the wall and peek inside slowly.

"Fvck," I swear when I see a bunch of zombies stumbling around. I look beside me to see a classroom. Maybe I can get in and bang on the walls to attract the zombies to the corner on the other side of the wall and then slowly take them out with my gun. I try to open it but it doesn't budge. It's locked. I swear under my breath and sigh. I can't walk in and take them out when they're all spread out. 

I sigh and look around and spot a washroom. I smirk.


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1065 WORDS

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