17: under attack

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Jimin POV

It was already the next week and now I need to begin with a lot of changes. I will do everything to keep Y/n safe from her father. She is special to me but I also have a weird feeling bout something.

Today there is a new teacher starting at the school. His name is Kim Namjoon.
I don't think I can trust him for now. Especially not about Y/n. Whenever it is about her I feel like something bad is going to happen as soon as I leave her alone.

I looked over to her. She's still sleeping...but we have to get up. It was currently 6:50 a.m. and we have to go very soon.

"Babybear, wake up~ we have to go soon." I softly said and kissed her forehead.
Her eyes slowly opened and looked directly at me. I giggled at how cute she was and she just smiled at me.

I got up and went into the bathroom to get ready. I felt how two hands wrapped around my  chest. "Still tired?" I asked and turned around to Y/n. She looked up to me and hugged me even tighter.

"I love you." She said in a pouty tone. "I love you too~" I said and she giggled.
"Now go get ready okay? We need to go in a bit. I will explain later in the car everything, alright?" I said and smiled at her.

She nodded and went to her room to get ready.

In the car

I began to drive. It was 7:00 a.m. currently.
"Okay let me explain now. The schedule is now changed for you...so basically you got maths,Korean and Japanese at my office. The reason for that I think is obvious why." I explained to her. "Okay, but...what if the others ask me why cuz-" I cut her off and said "then just say that I'm helping you to understand it better."

She nodded and smiled at me.

Gosh I love her smile...

I put my hand on her thigh and focused on the road.
After a few minutes we arrived and got out of the car.
Nobody was out in the parking lot so I pulled her close to me.
I kissed her and then let go of her.
"Go in. I will see you later alright?" I said.
"Okay...see you later!" She said again with that cute pouty tone she had.

I saw how she got into the school and smiled to myself. I'm happy to have her.

I then went up to my office seeing the new teacher already waiting for me.
"Sorry for the Mr. Kim. It happened that something came in between and took longer." I simply said.

"It's alright, Sir. I just need my schedule for the senior class. And I heard one of them has a change of schedule, is that true?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Min Y/n won't be in maths, Korean and Japanese class. I will tutor her at these subjects a bit. She will be in all other subjects but not in those three." I said and gave him his schedule for his class.

"Alright, but her grades seem fine at Japanese and Korean. I got the feeling there are other reasons." He said. Damn he's smart.

"Even if there are...it's none of your business." I stated and went to my seat.
"Alright then, but no need to be rude Mr. Park. Even if you would date her I would keep quite." When he said that I raised an eyebrow. He's challenging me...

"It's called being open minded. Not rude." I stated.

"Mr. Park I-" Jungkook came running into the office and I sighed.
"Mr. Kim you should go now." I said and he nodded and went out.

"Jungkook talk." I said and looked at him.
"The Min mafia wants to attack you. Yoongi just called me and warned me about it. You have to close the doors everywhere in the building. And get Y/n here. Yoongi will be here any minute." Jungkook said and was breathing heavily.

I took the microphone and turned it on and spoke. "all students go to your classes now and lock the doors. Min Y/n come into my office now."

Not even two minutes later I saw Yoongi with Y/n behind him. She looked so clueless and confused. "What's going on...?" She asked.

"I will explain it don't worry." Yoongi said and locked the door behind him. Y/n came over to me and Yoongi raised an brow but then just looked down. Overprotective.

"Okay now father wants to attack the school. I saw the other mafia you work with in civil surrounding the school. But...here is a teacher working for my father. It isn't the new one. It's the one who has been ever working here since Y/n is in this school." He said which made me widen my eyes.

I stood up and took Y/n in my embrace.
"I know who it is then. Mrs. Choi..." I said and Y/n widened her eyes and looked at me.
"Mrs. Choi...? How?...why?" She seemed scared.

"She was sent by father to spy on you and to find things out. And the thing is that is weird...she barely wanted to tell something about you. More she wanted to seduce father. But you know him." Yoongi said and Y/n just nodded. I noticed a tear running down her face making me worried.

I kneeled down and took her hands.
"I said I will protect you right?" I asked and she nodded. "I will protect you. Like I said." I stated and smiled at her.

"Can y'all now stop being so lovey dovey? I feel single already." Jungkook said.
I giggled and stood up. Suddenly I heard a gun go. Y/n flinched and kneeled down on the floor.
"Fuck" Yoongi said.

"On the floor. All." I said and went on the floor and saw how she was shaking.


I was shaking. As Jimin said we should all go on the floor I was even more scared. He put a index finger on his mouth and held my hand.
Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.
"Look in every room. NOW." A voice screamed.

Jimin widened his eyes and looked around nervously. He crawled and then whispered "follow me."
We all followed him into a big closet where a hidden door was. He opened it and crawled into it. The others crawled into it too and so did I.

The room we were in wasn't big everyone was next to each other. Suddenly we heard how the door in the office got kicked open.

Jimin closed the door behind me slowly and directly hugged me. I felt how tears were running down my face. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and whispered something into my ear. "I'm here don't worry. You will be safe here."

I hugged him tightly and then...we heard more gun shooting. I flinched with every shoot. He hugged me more tightly.
"Shouldn't we go out there?" Jungkook whispered with a pale face.
"Are you dumb? Nobody was prepared for this. All I want is to go out there too but he has more men now...but still less than Jimin." Yoongi whispered to Jungkook.

Two hours later

It was so silent. Jimin went out to check with Yoongi if everything is safe. It seemed like that.
Jimin came back and took my hand.
"Don't look to much around. Stay close to me and don't make a sound." He said with a commanding tone. I gulped and nodded.

As we got out of the office I was shocked at what I saw...so much...blood.

He took me by my waist and we went to another room. It was the room I usually have classes. We entered it and saw the new teacher with a gun and in a protecting position.

It was horrible. There was also blood everywhere but...no bodies?
Jimin saw how confused I am and said "I will explain later."

To be continued

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