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and i thought my heart was detached

"i heard our classes are going to be combined today !!"

"yeah it's for some sort of project until the school year ends"

"i wish i was in one of your classes, my class is joining with atsumu's"

"let's just hope you're not partners" she laughed

"and here I thought he was nice because of that one time"


she was cut off as the bell rang

"oh well, im off to class"

"this is so gonna be an enemies to lovers trope"

"i fucking know right? even better when there's angst"


today was the day

yup foreign languages class, the class you despise with all your heart

well, not despise you just weren't fond of learning a new language

you were already fluent in english which is one of the most used language

so why learn a different one?

'who knows when you need to talk to a foreigner?'

yeah, who knows if im ever going to meet a foreigner anyway

sure you haven't even decided your career path yet and want to be prepared

just not this, no

learning a new language seems fun but you were already traumatized from learning [random language] when you were 13

and one more thing

you were going to work in pairs

you'd be lucky if ari was your partner

but you don't even interact that much with other students

you just know each other, nothing else


"no, this isn't real"

"sure, it isn't"

"I wasn't talking to you"

"well whatever let's just get this over with"

"do we have to get to know each other?"

"if your dumbass wants to pass then yes"

"fuck off"

"look, I don't want to be with you either so just work with me here"

"fine let's start over, im tsukishima yn nice to meet you"

"it's a pleasure working with you, im suna rintarou"

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