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- In which Crazy Jane gets released from the asylum and moves in with Charlie Swan and Isabella Swan

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- In which Crazy Jane gets released from the asylum and moves in with Charlie Swan and Isabella Swan. Unknown family members she just found out about from her deceased mother's side. Though she moves in when her cousin is going through the leaving of her boyfriend. Crazy Jane tries to live a relatively normal life. What happens though when she finds out about shifters? What happens when the Cullens return and Crazy Jane catches the attention of a southern vampire?

Pairing - | Jasper Hale x Crazy Jane |

Fandoms - Twilight x Doom Patrol

Warning - Spoilers l Language l Violence l Gore l Mention of Sex Assault l Mention of Abuse l Mental Awareness (DID) l adult themes

A/N - Hello Guys! I've been on a roll with my writing and what not. But I bring you another Crazy Jane fic that I hope you like as much as this one. This is a Crazy Jane x Jasper Hale fic. Again, it's up and published and the 1st chapter will be out soon very soon. I'm also Hyped about the covers I just made lmao. And yes, it may be a little similar from Dissociative at first but not by much it's just I'm shifting it from The Originals to Twilight - New Moon. Then all new adventures for Crazy Jane and the everyone else. But yes, thank you for all the love on Dissociative. I hope you like Lovely as well.

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