Chapter 7

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"We came across........52 dead ends. Are you sure Casey is great at mazes?" Isaac sighed. "What are you trying to say Isaac.....Are you saying that Casey is awful at mazes? She is amazing at them you got that? She is the queen of mazes Isaac. Get that into your little brain that is the size of a piece of rice." Ruby said angrily. She never seemed this annoyed before. She's scary when she's mad. It was silent. "Yes!" Casey exclaimed. "Did you find it Casey?" Ruby asked. Casey nodded. "Oh? You found it?" Caina said. The grass maze fell apart and we were just standing in a pile of leaves. Casey attempted to kick it but something stopped her. "I WILL NOT LET YOU DEFEAT ME THAT EASILY!" Caina yelled. She then appeared infront of us. It seemed she was floating? Caina had blonde hair in 2 long braids. She wore a white crop top with a dark brown skirt and had long dark green socks that went above her knees. She seemed angry. All of a sudden she grew 2 more braids. It seemed that she could control and extend them to her will. The ground began to crack and then it shot all of us up into the air. We began to get seperated. I lost sight of everyone else. There were floating platforms of the flooring and I was standing on one. One of Caina's braids reached for me and wrapped around me tightly. I tried to get out but the more I struggled to get out the tighter it got. I looked around and saw Casey. She was safe on another one of the platforms. I looked down at the cube and it had a small crack on it. "Eh? Since when did-" Caina said. I then noticed Ruby attempting to destroy the cube by punching it. "RUBY WATCH OUT!" Casey yelled. Ruby got snatched over to Caina by a hair braid. "So you're the one who got that crack on my power core? YOU BRAT!" Caina screamed in anger. Ruby then got thrown away but was saved by....Abby?! " you escaped my illusion Abby? I'm impressed. You got stronger since last time! This will be an exciting battle..." Caina said smirking. I looked behind me and there was Isaac on a different platform with Isla. "Hold on Mel! We'll get over there!" Isaac yelled. Casey jumped down from her platform and attempted to destroy the cube but right when she was about to lay a hit on it something stopped her. It was Caina's braid. Casey tried to get the kick landed but it seems that Caina's braids are pretty strong. I began to feel someone pulling the braids off of me. I then thought of an idea. "Do any of you have anything sharp?" I asked. "Hm? I have a knife?" Isla said. "Good! It seems that Caina's only weapon are her braids so we need to cut them off. I'm going to get that 4 is her limit of braids she can use." I explained. Isla nodded and cut of the braid that was around me. "Thank you so much!" I said hugging Isla. "Your welcome." Isla said patting my back. I let go. "Now! It's time to commence the real battle!" I exclaimed. "Try to find something sharp enough to cut her braids!" I said. Isaac nodded. "Here." Isla said giving me the knife she had. "Thanks!" I said. "EVERYONE! FIND SOMETHING SHARP TO CUT OFF CAINA'S BRAIDS WITH!" Isla yelled. I attempted to jump from platform to platform to try to get closer to Caina to cut off her braids. I eventually got close enough. I tried to slice off her braids. I did it! Wait. I missed?! "You didn't seriously think that I was at full power did you?" Caina said glaring at me. Her eyes were amber and dull. Caina grew another 2 braids and it seemed that she strengthed her braids. She then threw me away using her braid and I ended up getting cuts on my arms from it. What the? Did she make her braids sharp like a knife?! Speaking of knives....I LOST THE KNIFE I HAD! I heard Caina scream in pain. "WHY YOU-" Caina yelled but she saw Maiku and was in shock. Hold on. Maiku was able to cut off one of her braids?! The braids were so tough and sharp though?! Maiku only used a shard made out of stone to cut it? Whatever. That just means that it's possible to cut off her braids! Caina tried to attack Maiku with another of her braids but he cut off that one too. Maiku landed on a platform. Caina spotted Isaac and broke his platform with her braid. Maiku instantly dived in to keep Isaac from hurting himself. "CASEY! NOW!" Maiku yelled. Casey ran up to the cube and gave it a strong kick. "NO! NO I-I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS" Caina yelled. Caina then proceeded to scream in terror as the cube shattered into pieces. Her braids fell apart into normal pieces of hair on the ground and she remained with the original ones she had from the beginning. "No....this can't be happening...The Lady.....s-she'll kill me....she won't be happy with this." Caina said while trembling. The platforms that were in the sky began to fall down rapidly. "We need to leave fast! C'mon guys!" Abby said. We all followed Abby to the door that was across the room. Once we reached it I looked back at Caina and she had a looked of terror and suffering on her face. She was crying. I feel really bad for her. "Mel just leave her! Remember she tried to kill us!" Abby exclaimed. Oh..right. "I'm sorry....Caina. I hope that your soul will be freed." I muttered. Right before I turned I saw Caina smile. We walked through a cramped hallway as we heard the platforms falling in the room and block the entrance we came through. Everyone else stopped for a moment. "You all okay?" Abby asked. Everyone nodded. "Well looks like I can't go back downstairs..." Maiku said disappointed. "Then you can just join our journey!" Isaac suggested. Maiku nodded. "I think Ruby will need some rest. No. I think we all need rest. That battle back there probably took a lot of our energy." Casey said. "Alright I'll teleport the base!" Abby said. A door appeared and Casey opened it. "Oh by the way! Maiku sleeps." Abby said. "Is he the only one that does?" I asked. "Nope! Lenny does too." Abby said. "It makes me feel more energized." Maiku explained. "You know, you and Lenny are pretty similar!" Abby said with a teasing smile. "Don't even think of comparing me to her ever again. You know the argument we had when we were alive." Maiku stated. "Oh! Right....sorry about that...I forgot." Abby apologized. "So....we'll need an extra bed?" I asked. "We don't have anymore though." Casey said while tucking Ruby into her bed. "I'll make you a bed of water!" Abby suggested. "No thank you. I don't feel like getting wet. I'll just sleep with someone else." Maiku responded. "Who exactly?" Abby asked. "If you'd like you could share a bed with me?" Isaac said. "M'kay." Maiku responded. "Oh by the way it's 11:30pm" Abby said. "What?! Already?!" I said in shock. Abby nodded. I walked over to my bed and got in. "Good night everyone!" Abby exclaimed. . . ."Mel! Mel! Wake up!" Ruby said shaking me. "Huh..? What is it?" I said rubbing my eyes. "She's here! She found us!" Casey yelled in panic. I looked at the door and Abby was placing a chair under the doorknob. It seemed someone was trying to get in. I got up and Abby ran over to us and teleported us all of a sudden. "That was a close one.." Maiku said. "Who was it?" I asked in confusion. "It was The Lady's assistant." Abby said. "Well now I guess we have no choice but to try to find the balcony with an empty stomach...." Isaac sighed. Ruby nodded. We began walking through the house. We kept reaching dead ends. . . ."WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Ruby screamed in anger. "We're back where we began." Casey said in disappointment. "I told you we shouldn't have taken that turn!" Isaac said. "No. We have been going in different directions each time we went in a room or turned a corner. This is most likely the work of The Lady's assistant." Maiku suggested. "But I thought we got away from her?" Abby said. "She might be in the control room and concentrating on the house. She probably did that." Maiku said. "What do you mean?" Ruby asked. "Well..." Maiku said.

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