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She was captivating, to say the least. Ethereal. He couldn't take his eyes off of her & he didn't want to. Druig stared into her eyes that sat just above the water line of the river, her black hair floating around her face. His eyes glowed that familiar gold color but he was stopped short. He couldn't see into her mind like everyone else. She wouldn't allow it & it threw him off. Druig found himself taking a step closer to the rivers edge as he seemed to be pulled in by the woman's beauty. He had no clue what had come over him but he couldn't bring himself to think about anything but the mysterious woman.

A low humming sound began to echo through the trees as the wind blew. It rippled the water just slightly & Druig realized it was coming from the woman.

mmm mmm, mmm mmm.

Her face still submerged in the water apart from her eyes, he wondered how he could possibly hear her singing. His body became light & he felt as if he was floating towards her, his feet having a mind of its own & carrying him to the river's water edge.

So this is love, hmm mmm.

Druig's boots sank into the water as he wadded in, moving closer to the woman, completely clothed & undoubtedly entranced. As she emerged from the murky brown water, Druig came to realize just how beautiful she truly was. She had the smoothest olive skin he had ever seen & he longed to run his fingers across her cheek.

So this is what makes life divine.

Her black hair stuck to her skin & fell down her chest to cover her breasts. He realized that she was completely nude as he came to stand in front of her. His mouth damn near watered. Her hand reached out as she continued to hum & as her fingers grazed his lips, they parted in a deep breath & his eyes fluttered closed. Gone was his always stoic front. He had happily become putty under her soft touch. Druig felt the tickling prickle of her sharp nails as she gently dragged her index finger from his temple, down to the under side of his jaw.

"Open your eyes, my love."

Druig crumbled under the sound of her voice, soft & sweet, better than he could have ever imagined she'd sound & as his eyes opened, he knew he was her's. She had this hold over him & he couldn't fight it, nor did he want to. Her hands captured his face, her fingers toying with his hair.

"You're mine now." She whispered against his mouth. It wasn't a question but a statement & it was true. Druig's lips parted slightly & he moaned as her tongue reached out & hooked under his upper lip.

"Yes." He muttered breathlessly as her hands tightened in his hair. She brought his body closer to hers, their chests touching as she smoothed her hands over his soft hair.

"Can I touch you?" Druig mutters quietly. He almost doesn't recognize his own voice, it's so small in her presence. She hums her approval & Druig tentatively runs his fingers across her cheek bone & down to the curve of her neck. She was warm. She was eerily inviting. She wrapped her arms around Druig's neck as her head lulled back into the water, her hair flowing around her. His arms enclosed around her slender waist as he brought his lips to her collarbone. The small sounds that left her mouth were like music to his ears & he couldn't get enough. As his lips travelled up her neck and to her jaw, he couldn't help but notice how sweet she smelled. Like honey & strawberries.

Druig's hand travelled farther down her body, over the delicious curve of her ass & then back around to her belly. He wedged his knee between her legs & she openly invited him, her grip on his shoulders tightening. He pressed his palm to the small of her back & pushed her body up onto his thigh. She clung to him fervently, her talons clawing at his shoulder blades & ripping through his wool shirt as he used his hands on her waist to rock her back & forth. He hissed at the sting but never stopped his movements, he wouldn't. She had compelled him not to.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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