Superwoman - An Escaped Gorrila

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Clara Kent, an ace reporter from Daily Planet, was alone doing her assignment report on her desk. Being left alone, Clara is free to use her gift, super speed, while typing her assignment. Clara, that day, was wearing her light purple dress shirt, combined with yellow jacket, long dark green skirt.

Mere seconds later, an emergency radio rang in his room.

Clara quickly pressed the receiver button, listening to the voice

"Emergency news, a big gorilla managed to escape from the zoo and went on a rampage in downtown Metropolis. Please call the police"


Responding to the voice Clara said to herself

"Hmm, another beast rampage. Looks like it will be interesting."

Clara then stood up, taking off her glasses. A proud heroic smile appeared on her beautiful face after looking around and making sure no one was around

"I guess there's no need for me to find a safe place to change." Clara said

Then, her thought of heroism appeared as a look of determination seen on her face and her eyebrows furrowed. Boldly, she exclaimed to herself in a deep and reassuring tone

"This is a job for Superwoman"

Clara then practically tore off her hat and threw it to the floor. She then hastily undid her hairbun, shook her long black hair down, and threw off her jacket, finished undoing her necktie. She then ripped open her shirt to reveal the large black and red "S" symbol atop her ample and firm bosoms, consisting of two large, meaty, supple, and proudly jutting breasts before casting her shirt aside entirely where her muscular body is clearly visible with her meaty biceps bulging from her dark blue fabric leotard. Just like an ancient goddess, her stunning body is filled with beautiful curves.

Clara then yanked down her long skirt and kicked off her shoes before we can see clearly, her two athletic and toned legs with muscular thighs in her tight dark blue leggings. Her big buttocks protruded proudly and sexily underneath her tight dark red briefs

The once-geeky reporter now stood tall and proud in her true identity as the blue clad heroine. A mighty and muscular caped crusader. A big-breasted superpowered woman. The Woman of Steel. Superwoman.

With a stoic look on her face, her thin eyebrows furrowed with concentration, her ample chest puffed of proudly, Superwoman headed to the nearest window, opened it, before taking a mighty leap into the sky.


Superwoman, soaring in the sky, used her super vision to trace the location of the rampaging gorilla. Until finally, she managed to find out the location of the beast, right at the intersection of the main street of Metropolis

"Great Scott, I must hurry." said the Woman of Steel before swooping down with her super speed.

Immediately, Superwoman landed right behind the gorilla, with the tip of her red boot landing first. Her big breasts and buttocks briefly shuddered as she landed, before taking her iconic pose. Putting her hands on hip and thrusting her ample bosoms proudly, Superwoman shouts and calls the gorilla. Her long red cape fluttered lightly

"Hello you, Mr. Gorilla. Would you mind stopping what you are doing now?" asked Superwoman politely

However, the gorilla was actually angry when he heard Superwoman's words. Immediately the beast faced Superwoman, tightened its fists, before rushing out to attack the proudly standing Maiden of Might. Superwoman, still calm in her position, looked at the running gorilla with a proud smirk.

The gorilla managed to land his hard fist on Superwoman's body, right on her ample chest. But as the beast did it, the sound of bones snapping like fresh celery followed as the gorilla's fist was stuck in heroine's bosom, causing her two large breasts to shudder in violent motion. The gorilla groaned and screamed in pain as he removed his hands from the heroine's ample asset. It feels like the beast just hit a hard rock.

"Ooo, poor beast. Pain after punching my breasts, huh? They are supple but hard as steel too, baby" said Superwoman while pointing the "S" symbol on her broad chest.

"Now, it's my turn" said the Maiden of Might before delivering a hard blow, nicely executed the uppercut, right to the gorilla's chin, sending him flying and flying far away. The gorilla immediately knocked out and fainted instantly.

Superwoman then walked toward the gorilla's body. Slowly, the superheroine squatted down and grabbed the back of the gorilla before lifting him up over her head.

"Now to return you to your initial place" said Superwoman with warm smile.

Superwoman gets cheers and applause from the residents. However, the heroine didn't have time to reply to them, only giving a single wink, before flying into the sky.


"Yeah, another easy job about a beast" said Clara after redressing

The geeky reporter turned to us, lowering her glasses, and gave us a knowing wink

Superwoman - An Escaped GorrilaWhere stories live. Discover now