19) Victory and Defeat

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(Image credit to Shock777; this has been posted with their permission)

Beast Boy opened his eyes and winced. Pain surged through his entire body. Once his vision cleared, he could see that he was lying at the edge of a huge crater.

Raven was lying in the centre, Rage a few paces away. Neither of them were moving. Beast Boy managed to crawl over to where Raven was lying. He reached out and touched her shoulder.

"Raven?" he shook her gently. Raven opened one of her dark eyes.

"Hey." He smiled down at her. "You did it."

"No," Raven's voice was weak. "I still need to put her back where she belongs."

"How are you going to do that?" Beast Boy asked. Raven winced as she sat up.

"Not sure," she admitted. Beast Boy looked up to see the Titans, minus Cyborg, standing at the edge of the crater.

"Titans now!" Nightwing bellowed. "Get her while she's weak!" Starfire flew forward, her fists charging with green energy.

Bumble Bee flew forward with her sword, and Nightwing brought out his bow-staff. With horror, Beast Boy realized what they were going to do. He got up and ran.

"No!" he threw himself between the furious Titans and Rage.

"Get out of the way!" Nightwing growled.

"No!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "You'll kill her!"

"We only wish..." Starfire began.

"To do what?" Beast Boy challenged. "You can't take her to jail. Raven's the only one who can stop her."

"Raven's too weak," Bumble Bee replied. "We must stop this monstrosity. At any cost."

"You'll kill her," Beast Boy repeated.

"It that's what's necessary to save the city," Nightwing hated to say the words.

"You don't understand!" Beast Boy flailed his arms. "If Rage dies, so does Raven!"

"It's too late for that," everyone looked at Raven. She was struggling to her feet. Beast Boy felt another surge of panic.

"What do you mean?" he demanded.

"It means she knows she'll have to kill me before I'll go back," Rage's growl was weak.

"That's not going to happen!" Beast Boy exclaimed. He ran to Raven. "Think Raven! There's got to be a way to put her away!"

"I'm too weak," Raven replied. "I don't have the strength to fight her."

"Yes you do," Beast Boy disagreed. "You're more powerful than you think Raven. You can do this. I know you can."

"None of her pathetic spells can imprison me," Rage struggled to her feet. Raven had a thought.

"Maybe my spells can't imprison you," she said slowly. "But I do know a curse. Aldruon Enlenthra Nalthos Sola Narisnor!" Black energy exploded from her chest and grabbed Rage.

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