interrogation room

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Hey guys I'm back story I've been really busy, family deaths and so on, so the book was last thing on my mind.. anyway enjoy the book. Also sorry it is really short I just wanted to posted and not leave y'all hanging because I posted a chapter on my other book. So I thought it wouldn't be fair if I didn't post for y'all so yeah enjoy...

Recap:: chai lied to the police to help chres and said nyla beat her... and no they arrested nyla and is taking her in for questioning...

Story:: Nyla POV

I can't believe that bitch really lied on me, I saved her life and she lies on me. Yeah should have left her there to die then I wouldn't be in the mess. I am really scared though I never been to jail. What if I get convicted of attempted murder and I go to jail and drop the soap and get jail raped. Well if I do then I have to beat a bitch as s then gonna rape me. But I have to go get interrogated so here I go.

P= police n=nyla

P: why you do it

N I didn't do nothing that bitch lied on me

P sure she did, you problem.just lying to cover up your crime

N you know what give me a lie detector test.

P Don't get smart little girl

N FIRST of all I'm NOT a little girl.. so let's get that straight old man

The cops look at we each other and shake their head. They just think they have another disrespectful kid. Truth be told they know that Nyla is telling the truth but they have to do as they told...

A/N I wonder what's going on ^~^

Chai POV

I can't believe they felt for it though, I mean hoe dumb are they. But they acted liked it never happened so that why I am so shocked. I feel bad though because she did save my life and I lied on her. Wait why do I feel bad I want to chres so bad, Iran yeah he did beat me really bad but. I don't care because he helped me through so much and I am going to heelp him out to so I can still be his girlfriend. Hugh I was completely into my thoughts that I didn't realize that chres was even in there he about to say something but I stopped him with a kiss and said

Chai: you welcome

Leaving him sitting their dumb...

Alright guys that's it the people that I said was going to be in going to be in it next chapter but yeah hope you like it and what do you think going on with the cops

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