Chapter 6: The Better Potter

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A/n: Literally never making promises about updates again, sorry.

A/n no. 2: All I did was extend the end

Dahlia was fighting for her life trying to keep her eyes open in History of Magic. Not only was the class insanely boring, but she also hadn't gotten a second of sleep last night. 

She screwed her eyes shut and let out a long sigh before shooting her hand in the air.

Mr. Binns, the ghost teacher, looked at her and said in his usual monotone voice, "Yes, Miss Thompson?" She tried not to roll her eyes. "May I please use the restroom?" He shooed his hand at her, dismissing her.

She practically ran out of the door. Of course, she didn't go to the bathroom, she decided to take a stroll around the halls.

She turned the corner and let out a yelp when she almost ran into someone. "Sorry!" A voice said and she looked up to see Professor Black. When they made eye contact, his face whitened, and he started nervously...giggling?

Why was a grown man giggling in a high-pitched voice? A question that would never be answered.

She gave him an odd look before looking around. She let out a fake chuckle before quickly rushing away from the scene. 

When she was out of sight, she bolted right into the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" she whispered and closed the door before turning around and almost yelling.

There stood a 2nd year by the sinks.

"Sorry, I just didn't see anyone, and it surprised me." Dahlia said, putting a hand over her chest.

"Don't worry about it." The girl smiled.

She then turned so her body was facing Dahlia and stook her hand out. "Hi, I'm Amelia, Amelia Potter." She grinned.


"Hello Amelia, I'm-"

"Dahlia Thompson. I know. I often hear your name; people practically worship the ground you walk on." She cut off before widening her eyes.

"Sorry! That seems a little weird." She said and scratched her neck.

Dahlia chuckled and waved her hand.

"So, what are you doing skipping class?" the brunette asked with a smirk.

Amelia widened her eyes. "Please don't tell anyone! Especially not my mom, she'd kill me if she found out I ever skipped class. She's very strict. Well not strict, she says she only cares about my education.." She trailed off.

"I was just joking. What do you think I'm doing?" She said and playfully tilted her head.

"Right, right..."

"You're a Gryffindor, aren't you? Like your brother?"

She put her head down at the mention of that. "Actually, I'm a Hufflepuff." She said and tilted her head up, trying to see the Slytherins reaction.

And when she didn't get a scowl or a grossed look, she felt a little relieved.

"Wait! You know my brother?" She seemed excited again and was practically bouncing with joy.

"Well, kind of. He annoys me sometimes that boy."

"Harold annoys everyone." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"Got that right." She laughed.

The two girls talked a little while more before Dahlia caught site of the broken clock on the wall. "Shit! Sorry, we've been here a while its lunch at this point. I best get going. But hey, my friends and I are going to Hogsmeade, you should come."

"I can't." She frowned. "Second years aren't allowed."

"I'll find a way, I always do." She said before walking off.

Amelia smiled after she left. She had a new friend. And she was a third year!


"Literally where were you?" Cassie asked, an annoyed look on her face.

Dahlia gave a sheepish look. "Sorry, got lost of time."

She sighed and rolled her eyes before scooping food and putting it on her own plate. When Dahlia didn't make a move to eat, she picked up more food and put it on her friends plate before giving her a pointed look.

Suddenly, a loud cheer broke out across the hall, at the Gryffindor table. She looked over and saw a group of people cheering for Harry who was chugging a gallon of pumpkin juice. When he was done, he wiped his mouth and gave an overdramatic bow to the hall and sat down.

She rolled her eyes at the immaturity and was about to turn around when she accidently locked eyes with Harry. He smirked and winked at her.

She quickly turned away and put her head on her hand, trying to conceal the small blush that had risen.

She watched as Cecilia and Cassie shared a look before looking back to Dahlia and rolling their eyes with smiles.

"So, what are our plans for Hogsmeade?" Dahlia asked, trying to make conversation.

"Well, first we'll stop for butterbeer, obviously, then I wanted to visit the sweets shop, then the book store, Theo mentioned some new muggle books, then I wanted to take a look into the quidditch shop..." Cecilia continued to talk as Cassie and Dahlia tuned her out, eating their food peacefully.

The black-haired girl was just about to shovel some more eggs in when she suddenly felt someone shove into her. She turned around, just about to snap at the person who did that when she saw who she was about to yell at.

A tall boy stood Infront of her, kind eyes showing guilt. "Im so sorry, my friend shoved me." He said sheepishly, motioning to his friend a few feet away who seemed to be giggling to himself. 

She couldn't help but stare at him for a moment. He was gorgeous. 

Fluffy dirty blonde hair with streaks of brown in it, a jawline that looked like it could cut paper, freckles thrown across his face, and warm caramel eyes.

Once she realized she was staring too long, she blushed and looked away. "Oh, it's fine." She nervously chuckled.

He threw a smile to her and Dahlia swore she almost passed out on the spot. He began to slowly walk backwards to where his friend was. When Dahlia turned back around she saw Cassie smirking at her, moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Oh shut up." She grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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