Chapter 7

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Michael woke up panting as he swiftly got up, only to feel the excusioning pain in his side and neck. Jake was already awake admiring the beauty in front of him.
I mean how lucky was he to have such a hunk of a man just stumbling across his territory.

Jake noticing the obvious pain and shivering Michael was doing making him realise that this isn't the right environment for someone who isn't used to being out in the wilderness. 'I don't really have much and the fire will only last until the wood is disintegrated. Shit I haven't thought all of this through have I.' He thinks slightly worrying as it seems that Michael's condition only gotten worse.

Gulping down his nerves as Jake didn't know if he should leave his territory to find a much suitable one for Michael or just let the man die. That last option didn't seem well for him as he didn't want the man to die. So in an attempt he went out and looked for anything that could be helpful to cure this illness of Michael's. As he went further into the forest he saw two people a lonely couple out and about. A man and a women joking, flirting, touching each other in many sexual ways.

'How dare they enter my forest!' Jake was consumed with rage as he rushed towards them instantly tackling the male first slitting their throat. Then the women was next as she screams for help only to receive an axe to her ugly face. All Jake did now was hack, hack, hack at the now dead female's skull. A blue glow was seen on the ground as he pick the two rectangular objects taking them with him. He had no idea what they where for but it may end up being useful for at least something right.

Even though he doesn't even know how to use the modern day technology. As Jake got back to the cave he saw that the fire was out and Michael looked weaker than before. This had him worried even more now. Since he was clueless on what he was suppose to do.

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