Chapter 19: I will put you back together

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Location: Parts and Service Room

Time: 1:05am

This is what Monty did to Freddy? Yikes... Gregory grimaces as he examined the damage his animatronic protector had endured in order to rescue him.

Freddy's ruined body was on a metallic reclining table while his head hung detached from his neck, held upright by a big, strong claw. Despite his broken state, Freddy remains astonishingly chipper.

"Hello Gregory. Do you think you could help me with routine maintenance?"

"I think you need more than just routine maintenance Freddy" Gregory frowned pitifully at the Bear's slashed body.

"Nonsense, I'm much better..Much"

His voice was glitching out.

"Huh? A grammar function error....perhaps I am still not at peak performance." The bear murmurs with an oddly chipper voice, "Perhaps, could you just reattach my head?"

"I looks complicated." Gregory studies the multi-coloured wires that trailed down Freddy's head along with the buttons and sockets on his neck.

"Just reconnect the wires to their correct colours and be careful. I'm not myself during repairs".

"What does –"

Before Gregory can finish his question, the doors slam shut, preventing him from leaving the room as he had already activated the chosen repair procedure.

"In case of an emergency, the protective cylinder will protect important service personnel outside of the protective cylinder. Deactivating animatronic safety protocols now. It is recommended that no mistakes are made during the procedure." The robotic voice briefs him.

The claws from the ceiling descend with two control panels which would allow Gregory to control their movements.

"This doesn't feel safe at all." Gregory fretted. He felt like an inexperienced surgeon in an operating room and what's worse is that he wasn't a trained surgeon at all, only a boy with murderous tendencies.

"Don't worry, you can do this Superstar!" Freddy encouraged him kindly before going into standby mode. Gregory gulped, trying to suppress his fears in order to save his ally.

"To reconnect Freddy's head, repeat the correct sequence by pressing the flashing buttons correctly." The same robotic voice directs him.

"Greetings Mr Afton."

"Hello HandUnit, what is it?"

"Just to remind you that you have dinner with the family in 10 mins".

William fixates on the pink and white mechanical bear he is building from scratch.

"Sure. Let me finish up a few more things and I'll go up there".

Gregory looks upwards, finally recalling the voice's identity.

I remember you now: HandUnit odd, why does the Pizzaplex have the same AI as the one in William's secret basement?

"Hello HandUnit, could you tell me how to fix him?" Gregory attempts to see if this one functioned like the one in his memories.

There is no response.

"HandUnit? Offer me assistance."

Still nothing.

Gregory sighs. Guess he had to do this manually as this one didn't seem to respond to him.

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