chapter two

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*still kittens POV*
"It's ok just don't do it again or I'm gonna rip your toes off" I viciously flirt "Yes your highness" he bows down and dabs on the bottom of my little paws. "Good little lava liquid boy"

*Nonis POV*
I can't handle this. I can feel my mind start to take over my body in a filled rage. I can't handle being pushed around like a rag doll all the time, wanting to be a part of this thing we call a "friendship" but all it is, is being constantly pushed to the point of insanity
Lily leans over to me and whispers "You good bbg"
"Yes your magistrate" *does a backflip*
I was in fact not "good" . I was not even close to "good" . I wanted revenge on anyone and everyone that had done me wrong and all what they had done to me. I just need time to plan it. *smirks like debby ryan and walks to performance area leaving the group where they already were*

*Kittens POV*
"You're such a good crumpled pants creamed boy" I whisper into Meso's ear after we just banged into another lifetime. "I love you mommy" *I sit up* "What did you say?" *Meso follows and sits up* "I love you... mommy" Meso repeats while laying down on the balls that were slowly decomposing from Meso's hot as fuck piss. The body heat from the slowly lowering shrinking balls to my asscheeks were making the room and the conversation more and more steamy. "You mean it?" I smirk looking at Meso "Yes I really do... But I need to confess something to you". "What is it?" I shift closer "I believe I want a polyamores relationship..." Poly-am-or-us? Like multiple people having s-e-x? Or in a relationship? "O-only if... y-you want it" Meso stutters "But with who?" I question "W-well..." Meso blushes "With Caleb..." Caleb? The one that sings squid game? *Looks into Mesos eyes deeply* "If it makes you happy then I think we should" "You mean it" Meso lights up after looking like a depressed chipmunk "I mean it" *Meso jumps up like a spring and pulls out a whistle that looks like a train? And blows into it so loudly I had to cover my ears, it sounded exactly like a train. Caleb bursts into the ball pit from the slide leading into the ball pit* "CALEB SHE SAID YES" Meso screams to Caleb. *Caleb runs over to Meso to start hardcore making out*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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