Chapter 1

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Just the click-clack of your platforms were enough to make your skin tingle from nerves. You push your hair our of your eyes as you loudly enter the door of Seoul High School. Every one of your senses were on edge, getting ready for your first class of your first day living in Korea, along with living away from your parents, and your sister, Rosé. Although it was hard to be away from them, it was also a relief to be able to start on a whole new path. Your whole life, you had been trying to live up to your dad's expectations, trying to look as beautiful as Rosé, trying to get as good of grades as her, and you were sick and tired of it. The minute you could, you snatched your bags and left for the farthest boarding school your parents would let you go to.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted your thoughts while you were inspecting the map of your new school, trying to figure out where you should be going. 

"Are you Y/N?" 

"Y-yeah!" You stuttered, your voice was scratchy and you were still a bit drowsy from waking up so early.

"Ok. Great! Follow me," The older lady with bleach-blonde hair, a pointed nose, and with an over-sized suit on said. She was already walking away by the time that you could pick up your two-year-old backpack off of the shining ground. You rushed over to her, trying to catch your breath before speaking.

"Er-eh, I'm sorry," You paused, still trying to take in air "Do you know where I'm supposed to be going?" Right when you stopped talking, she glanced up at you from the pile of papers she was digging in, cleared her throat, and opened her mouth. Then the phone rang. She practically jumped for the phone, leaving you standing there, looking like a mouse outside of a mouse trap looking at cheese. 

After a few minutes of you waiting there, there was no sign of her coming back to find you. You lifted your stuff again, and by the time you got back to the lobby, very few kids were standing there. Suddenly, the door in the lobby jolted open, making a small amount of the few people lingering in the lobby jump. You slightly glanced over to the door, only to see another person walk in. Knowing that no adult was actually watching out for you, you decided to walk up to the new person that walked threw the door very calmly, because he seamed like he knew what he was doing.

"Hi. Um. I'm new here, and um, I was wondering where room 803 is? I'm sorry its just, this one lady was going to tell me, but then she got distracted or something came up?" You noticed how your voice made the last word a question "So um, I don't know if you would happen to know where that is-" You paused, glanced up at his face, then continued. "Sorry. I'm talking too much."

"Ok. I'm going to room 809, so I think room 803 is on the way. I'll show you!" He slightly smiled, but you could tell that his real smile was an iconic box smile.  "So, whats your name?" He asks

"Y/N. Whats yours?"

"Taehyung," He looks down at you, giving you a real smile this time, and you were right. It was a box smile. Ever sense you were little, you had always been obsessed with smiles. Your mom always tells you that you can tell a lot about a person, just by their smile. 

"Hey! Tae! Tae! Wait up!!" A girl with long, brown hair and glasses sprints up to Taehyung. She is one of the only people that you have seen so far that isn't Korean from what you can tell. Taehyung turns his attention to this girl for a second, then looks back at you. He points to you saying,

"Mary, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Mary, my girlfriend," he wraps his arms around her waist, suddenly making you feel like a third wheel. 

You, Taehyung, and Mary walk to class together, which takes about two minutes. Taehyung drops you off at your class, and you guys plan to meet at lunch and sit together. You know that it might be awkward and this might not be permanent unless you get a partner, but at least its something for the next few days. 

~At Lunch~

Time flew by from 8:30-1:00. You rush to the cafeteria, you arms bouncing at your side in anticipation of something new. All of the energy from everyone running to another class or lunch gets you even more excited to have something in your stomach other than the half piece of avocado toast that you had this morning. 

Finally, you find Taehyung and Mary. They are sitting with two new people, who after chatting with, you find out that their names are Jimin and Jungkook. They were seamed like best friends, but you could tell there was some tension. Jungkook had a great bunny smile, and Jimin's smile made his eyes squint closed, you knew that he must get a lot of notes in his locker every morning. 

All five of you sit and talk while the rest of the hungry high-schoolers file into the lunchroom. 

"So, where do you think she's going to sit this year?" Jungkook almost whispered. Taehyung's eyes glance around him, like he is about to tell us something really confidential. 

"I've heard that she's gonna sit with some of the non-populars this year," he pauses, looks at you, and sudden realization came over his face. "Right. Y/N is new, she doesn't know about this. Jimin? Would you do the honors?" 

Jimin slightly smiled. "Of course. So, this really pretty- beyond pretty girl, she is like, super popular. Her name is LaLisa, but everyone calls her Lisa. Every year, she picks a super weird table to sit with, I mean, last year she picked the mathlete table, and know one knows why. She just does. I guess it's a statement about popularity or something, I don't know." 

All of a sudden, everyone turns their head to the door, the lunchroom going abruptly quiet. You turn your head also, to see what everyone is looking at. Then you see her. One of the most beautiful girls that you have ever seen. 

"I-is that her?" you said

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"I-is that her?" you said.

"Yep. That is LaLisa Monaban." 


Thanks so much for reading! This FF will have short chapters, but I will always try to make them the best I can! 

If you have any ideas, just DM me or let me know in the comments. Thanks!

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