what did you do || part two

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You slowly open your eyes to see a bright white light, promoting you to immediately close them again, trying to get them to adjust.

"I know right? The light is blinding." someone says in the room, startling you. "Let's take the bright light away shall we?"

The light is moved to reveal Dr. Cho, another doctor who works in the infirmary with Dr. Banner.

"Hi y/n." You face slowly turns into a smile as your eyes adjust to her face "Hi Helen.."

"Let me go get Wanda and Bucky. Try not to move as much until I get back." You nod your head as you try to remember everything that happened.

It's like you have complete amnesia from the events that happened. All you can remember is see Wanda, seeing Bucky and then...nothing.

"Hey doll.."

You turn your head to face Bucky, who's blue eyes are completely red. You smile as a overwhelming feeling of happiness makes you spring tears to your eyes.

You jump and wrap your arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. He returns in wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you close to him.

"God doll I'm so sorry.."

"What happened?" You ask, pulling back from the hug. Bucky takes a shuddering breath in before explaining what and how you ended up in the medical wing.


A few days have passed since that incident and Nobody has seen Steve. When you did, He ran away and locked himself in his room.

But today, you were on a mission:

1. get Steve out of his room
2. convince him things are okay
3. ?

Yeah...didn't really think this through did ya?

"Steve!" You yell as you bang on the door for the fifth time of the day. Steve clearly is in his room, but Friday said he was unconscious.

He wasn't dead, just sleeping.


"STEVEN GRANT FUCKING ROGERS OPEN THE DOOR!" You yell some more before giving up. You let out a huge puff of air before looking up at the speaker where Friday speaks out of.


"Friday my sweet love, can you open the door?" You ask oh so innocently.

It's silence for 5 seconds before there is a click and the sound of the door creaking open.

You rush inside to find Steve in the middle of his bed sobbing and hyperventilating.

You slowly take in his appearance and look up at the ceiling again. "Friday...I thought you told me he was asleep." You whisper.

"I lied." She whispers back.

You sigh before walking over to the shaking Steve who moans out sadly. You sit down next to him but push him over so you can both fit on the bed.

You rub his back some but it does nothing.

"Friday...what do I do?" You whisper again.

"Comfort him and tell him how you feel."

You look at Steve and the state he has put himself in. You chuckle, catching his attention.

"You find this funny y/n? You think my hurt is funny?!" He yells out and immediately stops crying, only letting out sniffles.

"No...No I don't. What I find funny is how you ignored me and Bucky for weeks on end...Why?"

"Because ima a jerk. I'm scared y/n! What i did to you was horrible. I could've killed you."

"But you didn't. We all have done things in the heat of the moment and every time we get a consequence. This is yours. What you did was wrong but we can't fix it. We just have to move on...and I have."

"And Bucky isn't mad anymore?"

"I believe not." You shrug.

He nods slowly before smiling, "What are waiting for then? I want some ice-cream and you took my whipped cream!"

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