Day 1 - Masturbation

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( I'm writing this in 1st person because it feels the most convenient, but let me know what POV you guys want to see )

I'm not even going to pretend like I wasn't staring. Ava had just gotten out of the shower, and she was taking her sweet time putting her clothes on. Her skin looked soft and golden even with the lights of the Wave-rider washing out her skin.

We had been fighting for almost a week now. I wish I could say what about, but I wasn't even sure. Lately everything had just been getting on her nerves. It wasn't our first quarrel as a married couple but it was definitely our longest one. We barely spoke, meaning we obviously weren't having sex. It was driving me crazy.

In our line of work, the one thing we can look forward to is the time we have alone at night. It doesn't even always have to be sexual, we would sometimes just talk and cuddle. And maybe a week without contact doesn't sound that bad to a person but imagine having to still see your babe of a wife. Still sleeping in the same bed as her, still watching her shower. I was pulsating in more than one place, and she I knew she knew what she was doing.

"Your turn." She said bitterly, walking towards the bed. I couldn't even begin to think about what she could possibly be mad about. I mean, I literally just woke up. Hadn't said a word to her, and she's mad?

I sighed and got out of bed, childishly shoulder checking her as I grabbed a towel. I heard her scoff behind me as I walked out of the room and towards the singular bathroom on the ship.

I took a pretty quick shower, and managed to wash my body, hair, and face in less than 5 minutes. My mind drifted to Ava as I contemplated her weird behavior. Before I realized it I was thinking about how good she looked this morning. Suddenly, I became hyper-aware of the hot water hitting my body. I closed my eyes, thinking about all the things I wished I could be doing to her at that moment.

I unconsciously started tracing my own hands over my body. Allowing myself to get lost in thought, my hand made it's way to my clit. I couldn't even remember the last time I masturbated. I always had Ava. I leaned up against the wall of the shower, and started rubbing small circles on my clit. I was surprised at how good it felt. How desperate I was for it. I guess Ava had that affect on me.

Even though I was experiencing mass amounts of pleasure, I couldn't get all the way to my climax. I hadn't needed to get myself there in a while. I became unaware of how much time was passing, only to be brought back to reality by Zari banging on the door.

"Sara, hurry your ass up!" She called from the other side of the door. I sighed, and turned the water off, leaving my fantasy.

- two days later -

Ava and the team were on an over night mission. They had left me and Astra behind on the ship, so I was working on "self care." Ava was still mad at me for whatever reason, insisting she was fine every time I brought it up. That meant that my vagina was in desperate need for attention and I had no idea how to give it to her.

in the last couple days, I had attempted an embarrassingly long list of things to make myself cum. Finally, I had remembered something from back in my teen years before vibrators and Ava.

I told Astra that I was taking a bath and for her not to bother me. I trusted she wouldn't anyways, she was probably too busy flirting with Spooner over comms to even think about what I was doing.

I sat in the bathtub, hands tracing over my body, thinking about her. Her lips, her skin, the way she desperately moaned my name only weeks ago.

When I had finally started feeling something, I inched closer snd closer to the faucet that I still had on. When my core had made it to the stream of water, chills immediately ran down my spine. I flinched away shortly, only to find myself being pulled back in by the desire to feel like that again.

I waved my clit back and forth under the water, not letting myself stay under it for long. My senses were filled with pleasure, and my stomach dropped in anticipation every time I pulled myself away from the pressure. I felt myself breathing heavily, still rocking back and forth under the faucet. This was the closest I had gotten since I started masturbating again. I felt myself inching closer and closer to my climax until I knew I was almost there. My breathing got heavy, and the quiet moans I had been muffling started growing louder. I used one of my hands to cover my mouth, and continued to move under the water. I then decided it was time to allow myself to finish, and I stopped moving. I just let the water hit my clit over and over again, shooting waves of euphoria down my body until I finished.

"Ava," I moaned, not even aware her name was on my lips. I left my vagina under the water until I was so overstimulated that I was twitching. And then, I smiled. Not only did I feel good, I felt accomplished.

* end chapter *

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