Chapter 18 Post Obsidian Fieldlands Part 1

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As they walk back to Deertrack Heights, they find a man named Bjorn, he says, "Ho, there! Mind helping a guy out? I'm after some Cheri Berries - you know 'em? The shiny red ones! They grow on some of the trees round here...But I don't have any Pokemon that can reach them for me."

"We do have some, how many do you want?" Ash asks.

"I need three of them, please." Bjorn says as Ash takes out three Cheri Berries and hands them over to the man.

"Thanks! Here is your reward." He gives them 15 more Poke Balls, which they can use to capture some more Pokemon.

After getting back to Nature Pantry, they see that in the distance there is a Staraptor flying past. Ash says, "One of the tasks is that we have to capture Staraptor in midair. I guess that is what it means, right?"

Serena says, "Maybe that's why we need the Feather Balls."

Serena throws some Sky Balls and eventually one of them catches Staraptor in the end.

Staraptor's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number you've caught while they were in the air:1,2,3,4,5 Number defeated:1,2,4,10,15 Number of you've defeated with Rock-type moves:1,2,5,10,20 Times you have seen it use Air Slash:1,3,8,20,40 Times you have seen it use Brave Bird:1,3,8,20,40Times you've seen it use a strong style move:1,2,4,10,15 Number of different forms you've obtained:2

Hisui Dex Entry No.14 Staraptor: The Predator Pokemon: Normal- and Flying-type. Evolve from Staravia at LV:34. It has left the flock, having gained strength enough to survive on its own. The astounding force with which Staraptor flies through the air allows it to carry away large, burly targets.

Then they also walk towards Sandgem Flats, and they are surprised to see not only a Luxray, but also Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime.

"It is a good thing that we have come here." Serena says, "Who knows what kind of Pokemon we could've missed."

"You're right." Ash says. "Let's try to capture all of them and fulfill the tasks."

Luxray's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number defeated:1,2,4,10,15 Number of you've defeated with Ground-type moves:1,2,4,6,10 Times you have seen it use Thunder Fang:1,3,6,12,25 Times you have seen it use Crunch:1,3,6,12,25 Times you have seen it use Wild Charge:1,3,8,20,40 Times you've seen it use a strong style move:1,3,8,20,40 Number of different forms you've obtained:2

Mime Jr.'s Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,3,4,5 Number you've caught without being spotted:1,2,3,4,5 Times you have seen it use Mimic:1,3,6,12,25 Times you've given it food:1,2,3,4,5 Number you've evolved:1,2,3

Mr. Mime's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number you've caught without being spotted:1,2,4,6,10, Number defeated:1,2,4,10,15 Times you have seen it use Mimic:1,3,6,12,25 Times you've given it food:1,2,3,4,5 Times you've scared it off with a Scatter Bang:1,2,3,4,5 Times you've seen it use an agile style move:1,3,6,12,25 Investigated the suspicious movements of Mr. Mime:1

Hisui Dex Entry No.17 Luxray: The Gleam Eyes Pokemon: Electric-type. Evolve from Luxio at LV:30. They form packs, each having one male as leader. Legends say that when Luxray's two eyes shimmer with gold, the Pokémon can see through anything.

Hisui Dex Entry No.76 Mime Jr.: The Mime Pokemon: Psychic- and Fairy-type. Known to turn up in bustling marketplaces now and again. It mimics people much as a child would, then watches how they react, eyes sparkling.

Hisui Dex Entry No.77 Mr. Mime: The Barrier Pokemon: Psychic- and Fairy-type. Evolve from Mime Jr. by learning Mimic. The behavior of this clown-like Pokémon reminds one of pantomime. It creates invisible walls using a force emitted from its fingertips.

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