chapter 4. settling in.

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"Hey, Tabi??"

Tabi's attention was drawn from the TV screen, which displayed a random adult cartoon. The older digidevil's voice came from the other side.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"... да."

Aldryx pushed the door open, poking his head into the room. The man he saw laying on the bed looked so familiar, yet so different from the best friend he knew so long ago.

He remembered light brown hair that curled around rosy cheeks with very faint stubble, lagoon blue eyes and a glowing smile. Instead, he saw platinum-blond hair messily swept over a pale face. Golden irises glowed over the black sclera, illuminating a detached, downcast expression with the absence of a smile.

Aldryx didn't know how to get his words out at first.

"W-Well, uh," he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "just to help ya settle in, would ya like to play some Uno with me 'n' Agoti?" He gave a friendly smile. The ex-musician took some time to respond, but he put down the TV remote on the bedside table and sat up.


"Alright!" Aldryx gave a thumbs up and left the bedroom. Tabi followed shortly after, closing the door behind him and flattening his hair down with his hand.

Agoti had clearly prepared for a long session– he had set up several soda bottles and cups with countless packets of doritos in several flavours. A stereo sat on the left hand side of the coffee table, connected to the screen demon's phone.

He greeted his brother and friend with a wide, excited grin. "Hey!! Ya ready to get this going?"

"You bet!" Aldryx sat directly opposite his brother while Tabi sat next to the black screen demon. He felt his nerves ease a little, relaxing his demeanor.

"Aaalright, let's get this going!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together as Aldryx picked up the deck and shuffled the cards, narrowing his eyes at each shift. Tabi watched, inching a little further towards Agoti with each passing second. The screen demon took notice of this and gave him a side-smirk.

"Feeling more confident with me?" he asked jokingly, receiving a roll-of-the-eyes from the ex-musician in response.

"Aaand set!" Aldryx put down the rest of the cards. "I'm gonna sweep the floor with ya, little bro."

"Ooohhh, really?" Agoti snickered. Tabi couldn't help but smile at the Andromedas' antics. He prepared himself for a long afternoon of playing and possible screaming.

"The number you have attempted to call is not available right now."

Solazar clicked his invisible tongue in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at the screen of his phone. He was sat on the edge of his bed, curtains drawn and lights off as his teal flames provided enough light necessary. Dealing with potential clients was irritating, especially when they suddenly decide to ditch the job when it was almost done.

That was the case right now.

The Solarisapien sighed quietly, placing the phone down on the desk and removing his glasses. Perhaps he should take an afternoon nap to ease his stress—


Solazar froze up in shock and confusion.

What the fuck was that?!

Putting on his glasses again, he stood up and left his bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind him. He went down the stairs, frowning and scratching his neck.

𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨. / tabi x agoti.Where stories live. Discover now