Chapter 1: Leah

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This story is during Breaking Dawn Part 2

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"Why do I even comeback ?"


I was cooking my favorite chicken Pasta until I got a phone call from my best friend Leah.

Me: Lele wasssup ?

You see Leah and her little Brother Seth knows why I left Forks.

Leah: Remember you said that you were witch

Me: yeah Leah were is this conversation going to ?

Leah: I need you to come to Forks please Sephora !

Me: Lea-- Fine and promise me you explain when I get there!

Leah: promise !

And like that I hung up the phone wondering, why the hell did I agree to comeback to forks.

~FlashBack Over~

So here I am waiting for Leah to come and pick me up

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I was ready to freak out but I turn around and it was Lele and Sethy Bear !!

"Lele and SethyBear !!" I said while attacking them with hugs.

"Oh! I gotta admit I miss you soo much" said Seth while laughing.

"So I guess you went on a new dark look" said Leah smirking

"Yep! Do you like it " I said while twirling around like a princess

"Love it !" Leah said while giving me a bear hug. Gosh I miss them soo much

"Oops ! Almost forgot Merry Christmas !" I said while giving them their gifts

"Thank Seppy!" The screamed while hugging me

"We'll let's go" I said while getting my bags

Seth put my bags in the trunk like a gentleman

"So does any other people knows I'm back" I asked Leah

She look at me nervously "Well Jacob find out and Told Bella and the other Blooodsuckers"

"What ! That Stupid mutt! No offense Leah and Seth"

"None taken"

"Do they know I'm witch ?" I asked Leah

"Yes because Jacob heard our conversation, I'm soo sorry and I had to confessed on really why you Left" she said looking at me sad

I sigh "it's ok Lele I can never stay mad at my best-friend

"Yeah I know, we'll here we are" Leah said.

I look at the old house that I use to live in, and then I saw expensive cars which means

"Aww Hell No ! I'm not going if she there with her vampy husband" I said angrily

"Oops! Forgot to tell you that" said Seth laughing nervously .

"C'mon Sephora , it's now or--just go I there you don't have to talk to her at all I promise"

"I know but Jacob and Renesmee are there and Bella and Edward"

"They won't say a word to you, promise"

"Ok, "I got out the car and saw my dad Charile

"Hey dad " I said while hugging him

"Hey Sephora I missed you soo much" he said while smiling

"I heard you and Sue, oo Dad you go get it !" I said while laughing

My dad blush and replied "get inside you sister and he husband here"

"I know"

I went inside and said "We'll isn't this a great Family Reunion Isabella"

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