Claimed - Dean x Reader COMWS 3/?

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(A/N)It's just a filler, nothing special... I think

You groaned in pain as you tried to sit up.

Your vision was blurry, but you can still smell the familiar scent of gunpowder and alcohol.

You tried to sit up straight, but felt a pain from your wrist and heard the sound of handcuffs.

Finally your vision cleared, you looked to see yourself in the backseat of the Impala's handle.

You turned to look at the driver's seat to look at your captor, who was humming "Highway to Hell" by ACDC and distracted by the road.

You used your other hand to see if you have anything that can lock-pick the handcuffs.

"Don't bother trying, I got all your things right here, sweetheart." Dean patted his pocket to show where your things are.

You glared at him then huffed looking at the window instead, trying to entertain yourself.

"So, where are you taking me?" You asked your captor.

"Somewhere you don't know" He answered smugly, his Winchester sass showing.

"Obviously." You huffed then turned to your side, facing the front seats and trying to avoid hurting your wrist.

"So, what does a Demon want with wittle old me?" you questioned, glaring at the driver's head.

You seemed to have angered him 'cause he was glaring at you through the mirror.

"Like I said, I'm 100% Dean, I may be a Demon but I'm still ole' Dean-o" His anger went way so fast it seemed like it never happened.

You huffed then turned again this time, facing the seats, then fell asleep

                                                 -Time Skip-

When you woke up, you were in bed with a sleeping Deanmon hugging you tightly.

You huffed then tried to get out of his grip, but he muttered then squished you tighter to his chest.

You huffed then looked around the room, which is probably a motel.

When you felt Dean loosen his grip on you, you squirmed and somehow got your arms free.

You pried Dean's arms off of you then sat on the side of the bed.

Pressure suddenlt appeared on your ankle.

You loked down to seee a chain locked on your leag, leading to the leg of the bed.

Dean muttered then tried to reach out for your warmth.

Panicked, you sliped into his arms without thinking.

"Damn it" You whispered your hand snaked down Dean's torso, trying to seach for his pocket.

When you reached his pocket he grabbed your hand in a blink of an eye.

"What do you think your doing?" His glare could met steel if he glared at it.

'Shi-' Before you even thought of that you were pinned under him, hands secured above your head, legs crushed under his.

Dean's black eyes still scorched your soul, you wanted nothing more than to shrink away.

He leaned close to your ear, you felt his breath as he whispered "You'll be here for a long time sweetheart"

He leaned closer, you could feel his lips move as he said those three terrifying words.

                                                              "You. Are. Mine"

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