Adopting Damian

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Jason's POV

"I can't, you do it."

Dick pushed the envelope into my hands, looking at me with already wet eyes. His hands were shaking as he sucked in an unsteady breath.

"Dicky, baby, take a deep breath okay. We'll open it together." I cupped his cheek gently and pressed my lips to his forehead to call him down.

He nodded, breathing in deeply just as I'd told him to. "That's it, baby. Now, no matter what happens, we're gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay. I promise."

His lip quivered, but he nodded again, gripping my jacket tightly to steady himself.

I moved us over to the couch and sat down, pulling Dick down beside me. He still clung to me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I was so fu*king anxious.

I took a deep breath, glancing at Dick one more time before tearing the envelope and pulling out a neatly folded paper with trembling fingers.

My nerves were going crazy and I felt Dick cuddle closer into my side, practically hiding his face in my shoulder.

I waited a moment before unfolding the letter, preparing myself for what the contents said.

I started reading aloud.

Dear, Mr. Jason and Richard Todd, We are so pleased to inform you that the recent paperwork and home study has finally been finalized and that you've been cleared for the adoption of Damian Wayne.

I didn't need to read the rest as I felt tears going down my cheeks. I pulled Dick closer, hugging him tightly to me. "He's ours, Dick. He's ours."

We both cried. Happy tears of course. This process had been so long and stressful, but we never gave up. We never lost hope.

Damian was ours now and I knew we would be the perfect family for him. We already had been before. No matter what, we were never losing him again.

"I can't believe he's finally ours. After everything...after Bruce and Talia-" Dick choked up and I just nodded, wiping his tears as I smiled at him.

"None of that matters now, babe. We're parents. Oh god, that sounds weird, but so amazing. We're parents, Dick. You and I." I laughed out and cupped his cheeks as he smiled.

It had been over a year since we started this process and even with the best lawyers money could buy, we weren't sure this day would ever actually come.

So many tears and sleepless nights went into this. Rounds of home inspections and interviews. Days spent planning and decorating, trying to make our home perfect for him.

We finally did it.

It only took a few days to finish up everything else and finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, we were headed to pick up our son. Our Damian.

"Dick, baby, stand still. You're gonna run a hole in the floor with all that pacing." I couldn't help but chuckle at him when he huffed out, finally sitting down beside me.

"I know, I just- God I can't believe we're really here, Jason. Waiting for Damian. Waiting for our son." He beamed at me, grabbing my hand tightly.

I nodded, leaning over to kiss him. "I know. It's so serial, but here we are. And any moment now the social worker will walk through that door with Damian."

I felt tears in my eyes and sniffled, still smiling widely.

We both jumped up at the sound of the door opening, watching a woman walk in. She smiled happily at us. "Jason, Richard, I have someone who's very excited to see you."

She stepped to the side and I heard Dick's breath hitch. Beautiful green eyes stared up at us from behind dark lashes. "Hey, Damian."

I knelt down, keeping my voice soft as I smiled kindly.

He looked at me for a moment before his eyes widened and he came running towards me. "Jason!" He laughed, jumping into my arms.

Dick knelt beside me, placing kisses all over Damian's head as he squeezed me tightly.

"We've got you, buddy. It's okay. Everything's okay now. I promise." I was crying. I didn't care who saw. We finally had Damian. I was never letting him go.

That is, until he looked up, laughing out as he reached for Dick, making grabby hands at him. "Dick!"

Dick was sobbing as he pulled Damian into his arms, cradling him to his chest. "Hi. Oh god, hi."

I wrapped my arms around both of them. Resting my forehead against Dick's and just relishing in the moment of us.


Damian giggled happily, cuddling into Dick as he yawned. I chuckled, knowing this process was just as long and exhausting to him.

It was over now though. It was all over and I felt l could finally breathe again. Like the world didn't seem quite so dark and cold anymore.

All the mistakes that were made because of Damians birth, they didn't matter. His past was just that. The past. His future was with us. And it was going to be amazing.

"Let's go home." Damian looked up, smiling at me as he snuggled closer to Dick. "Yeah, home."

When he repeated the word I just smiled, nodding and hugging them both. I couldn't have been happier or more in love with what was right in front of me. "Yeah, buddy. Home."

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