Sick baby bird

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Jason's POV

I always saw myself as manly, vigorous, dangerous even. I was tall. I was handsome. I had a good head on my shoulders, well for the most part. I knew how to build things and take things apart.

I was your typical guy.

So why the hell was I the one doing laundry, dishes and housework while Dick was at work?

This was his kinda stuff. I was the one that made the food and got kisses when it tasted good.

I sighed, shaking my head as I finished putting Damian's clothes away. "What I get for having a day off."

As soon as Dick realized I wouldn't be working today, he gave me a mile long list of chores to do. It was ridiculous. "Laundry, check. Sweep and mop, check. Clean the tub, check. Make sure Dami's bath toys are sanitized, check.

I huffed out, glaring at the paper like it had personally wronged me then set it back down on the end table by our bed, but before I could do anything else my phone rang.

Damian's preschool's name flashed across the screen and I frowned, quickly answering and putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Yes hi, is this Mr. Todd? Damian's father?"

I stood still, letting my eyes wander before just staring off at nothing in particular. "Yes. Damian's papa, yes. Is something wrong?"

"Well, Mr Todd, Damian isn't feeling too well. He's got a fever and is having chills. We weren't able to get a hold of his first emergency contact and you were second."

My eyes widened and I sucked in a worried breath. "O-oh okay, yeah um his first emergency contact is at work, but I'm on my way right now." I rushed out of the room, tracking down my keys and my wallet in a crazed frenzy.

"Okay. He'll be in the nurse's office when you get here."

I didn't even answer before I hung up, quickly climbing into my car and speeding off down the driveway and into the main road. "I'm on my way, buddy."

I was honestly shocked I didn't get pulled over between the house and the school, bearly slowly down as I pulled into the parking lot.

Once I stopped the car, I was rushing inside, my body working faster than my brain as I rushed to the office, asking the older redhead behind the desk where the nurse was.

"I'm sorry, sir, and who are you here for?" She cooked her head to the side, tipping her chin down so she could look at me over her thick, black framed glasses.

I stared at her confused before huffing out.

Right. Checkin.

"I'm Jason Todd. I'm Damian's dad." I was getting more anxious by the second. I just wanted to have my baby in my arms already.

"I'm sorry sir, it says here his dad is listed as a Mr. Dick Grayson." She flashed me a look somewhere between unbelief and annoyance.

Believe me lady I feel the same way.

I grit my teeth, placing my hands flat on the surface in front of me as I narrowed my eyes at her. "Yes. That would be my husband. Excuse me for getting my parenting name wrong."

I spoke as calmly and sweetly as I could, practically gagging on the lemony citrus that oozed over my tongue, though I knew the sarcasm still came through quite clearly. "I'm Damian's papa."

She looked at me for a moment, narrowing her eyes as she switched the gum in her mouth from one side to the other, making a loud squelch sound that almost had me jumping over the desk at her.

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