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Beyond, beyond the rest of the Wizarding World situated two handsome, noble mansions within vast, verdant fields, of which stretched out endlessly. Exotic animals thrived — albino peacocks, graceful swans, idiosyncratic flamingos. People, too, thrived. On broomsticks, high above the air. At the gardens, out for a lovely walk. Some simply settled on the grass, under large trees, to relish in the gorgeous, summer noon.

DE Manor. The mansions in the plot were distinguished by name; Division A and B. A was for the older members of the Army, people who dedicated years to ascending the ranks. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy resided in this division, two who were rumoured to have formerly owned the Manor before entrusting the Dark Lord with the plot. Division B was for the young, those in training.

Into the division dwelled a thin young man, who cinched a belt around his waist, and donned a pair of boots. He adjusted his round glasses, and made a pitiable attempt at taming his jet black curls. His armband glowed, warning Harry Potter that he had little time left to get ready. Harry was not too concerned.

Harry leaned over the sink of the changing room. It was only him in here – he slept in a tad – and everyone else seemed to have gone out for mealtime already. Most fancied something in their stomach prior to training, Harry did not. It usually made him feel sluggish, which affected his performance. This was better. He had the entire room to himself. No one to bother him.

As Harry brushed his teeth, he spotted a picture on a punching bag behind him through the mirror. An evil old man, with crescent spectacles and a long beard. His blue eyes radiated, disregarding the darkness of his surroundings. Just akin to all other photographs Harry had seen of him. Harry seized his wand from the counter once done with his teeth, and performed his daily ritual. It was for good luck, and consisted of this –

"Diffindo," Harry muttered. The spell slashed the punching bag into halves. Sand burst out of the bag, and all over the place. Harry needed but some wand movement to bring all back to order. Sand back into the bag, bag back to one. Momentarily after, a woman spoke over the PA. He perked up.

"DE Squadrons, report to your designated training areas."

Harry enchanted another cleaning charm, for safety measures. He didn't doubt that some had gotten into his hair, and was too stubborn to get out. No matter. On the way to his training area, he had to push past others who walked in the opposite direction. The way he was going was /technically/ incorrect. He was to go through another corridor. Harry did not. Besides, this route was more efficient. He would've taken more time, had he gone the right way, even with all the people in the way. Harry got to the entrance of his training area, and did not dare cross the threshold yet. Beforehand, he drew out his pocket watch. His way of intrusion would depend on how tardy he was.

Thankfully, not by much. Harry slipped in effortlessly to take in his surroundings. This part of the area was always empty, what's left was a towering door. DE Commander Alecto Carrow had his hand over the knob. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were the ones that he snuck into uniform line with, arms at his sides. Now. Someone was missing. Someone who was always missing.

"Psst," Harry hissed. "Has anyone seen Draco?"

All he received in response was a disgruntled, incoherent mumble from Blaise. However, it answered his question. Harry scoffed quietly, "Not again."

From Harry's perspective, Draco didn't seem to care anymore for his esteem in the Army. Sporadic attendance to training, frequently leaving his dorm past curfew, diminishing respect for superiors. Draco didn't try to hide his dislike for Major Lucius Malfoy anymore, who was, ostensibly, his biological male caretaker; until he gave Draco up to training. Indeed, he was a whole git, the old man. Nevertheless. In the seldom times that they did run into him, couldn't Draco try to be a tad polite? It wouldn't pain him. His disrespect did not end with unfamiliar people, extending to Severus. He was Draco and Harry's assigned caretaker, growing up. Draco refused to even look him in the eye.

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