Chapter 1

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"Are you kids sure this is where you're going?" A taxi driver asked a group of 5 young adults, one of which is sitting next to said driver, as they drive around a very secluded and woody area.

"Yup this is the place we're going," said by boy around the age of his early 20s said to the sceptical driver.

The man only shrugged and just kept driving, "I'm just worried for y'all, this part of the forest is scary, Why are you going here anyways?"

The 5 boys just stayed silent, trying to formulate a good excuse, "We- um, we..."

"We're here for our camping trip, and we kinda prefer the more secluded ones so we can feel the wonders of the wilderness," another boy said, his stripped hair highlights bit ruffled due to the cramped space. The others also nodded making the driver accept the excuse.

They continued driving until the tallest of the 5 stopped them at an opening. The five paid their fee, "You kids better be careful now!" The driver said, only receiving 'yes's and thumb-ups, before driving back to the city.

"That's was great Yangyang, you always come on clutch," a boy, Haechan, complimented another boy his age, Yangyang, for his excuse.

"I mean what can I say other than I am the son of Hermes for a reason" He bragged, flipping his imaginary hair.

"Alright Alright guys let's continue this when we go to camp," A boy older than all of them, Lysander his name, said as he gathered his friends and acquaintances.

The group walked through the woods, occasionally getting lost because Yangyang was too indecisive in what direction to choose, luckily Sungchan was their to help. They finally reached an open clearing.

"Is this it?" Another tall boy asked, his name being Jisung.

"I guess so?" Yangyang questioned. The map he was holding indeed lead them to this clearing, but where's the doorway? "Look it says we're here."

They looked around to try and find the door but was unlucky. "Are we even sure that place is even real? We've been searching for hours!" Haechan groaned.

"Beats me but wherever it is, it's not help u-AHH! OOOF!" Sungchan cut himself off when he fell through something. He looked up and saw the burning torches and cabins filled with lights. "Whoa!" Sungchan said in amazement at the site he was beholden.

"Guys I think I found it!" The taller yelled prompting his companions to follow suit. They saw Sungchan smiling, standing and pointing at what seems to be a random area, his outfit and hair messy from the fall

"Um, Where exactly?" Lysander asked.

"Here look!" Sungchan pried all of them to be next to him. He then reached out his hand towards the area, it suddenly shifts and ripples like a jelly, distorting the illusion set on the perceived entrance. He looked back at them, taking one final glance before fully going through the barrier. The others were more skeptical with the whole thing, after weighing their options, they decided to follow suit.

The arrived at a sight, fire crackling from torches and fire pits, people from all ages chatting, training, or doing leisurely activities scattered at the grounds, warm cozy cabins line the front of the camp. They were there, Camp Metanoia

The five passed through the arc made of branches and trunks and followed the dirt path to the area grounds. Just then a horde of centaurs rode out in front of them, nearly hitting poor Jisung who Lysander caught in time. The last of the pack slowed down and stopped in front of him, the five basking in the centaur's glory.

"Oh! Would you look at that! New recruits!" He bellowed. "The name's Junmyeon, but you can call me Suho," He introduced himself.

"Wait, you're THE Kim Junmyeon? The greatest mentor of myth?!" Sungchan nearly screamed as his starstruck heart rapidly beat in the presence of a legend.

"Ah! So we became part of myth after all, why yes, I am," He lightly chuckled at the reaction of ten five, "At your service."

The centaur let the young adults calm down from their giddy emotions before urging them to introduce themselves.

Lysander, as being the eldest, went first, "Hello, I'm Lysander but please call me Sander. I'm the son of Hephaestus." Suho gave him a firm handshake

Next was Haechan, "Afternoon, The name's Donghyuck, the radiant son of the sun god Helios, you can call me Haechan 'cuz I'm fullsun!" Suho cooed the hyper personality of the small boy. 'Just like his father' He thought to himself.

Yangyang moved forward, "Hi! I'm Yangyang, son of Hermes, nice to meet you," he cheerfully said. Suho shook his hand chuckling as he was amused at this kid's energy.

"Oh! A son of Hermes! You're not going to be a nuisance like your cabin mates?" Suho jokingly asked.

"We'll never know," Yangyang only answered causing Suho to giggle more.

"How about this young fella?" He questioned, beckoning Jisung to the front.

"Hello. I- Uh- I'm Jisung, s-son of Eros," Jisung shyly said. Suho onky agve him a nod, 'Ah the son of the God of Love, such a fine young man'.

Finally, Sungchan stepped forward and offered his hand, "Greetings, My name is Sungchan, son of Nike." Suho was shocked by the sheer height of the boy, 'kids these days are too tall,' he said to himself.

After the introductions, Junmyeon straightened himself, "Welp, it nice meeting you all. Feel free to roam around, I'll fetch you all someone to tour you around. Anyways, I'm gonna get going now, see you at dinner and finally, Welcome to Camp Metanoia."

That was his last words before he galloped back into the forest. The five were excited for this new adventure the very moment their deific heritage was noticed. With one last look with each other, the five carried their belongings and set to seek their cabins. Their journey of their life will start soon.


Hello everyone! It's me the author. Thank you for reading my chapter, I really appreciate it. Also in this part of the story, I will write small related myths that either explain the personality of a character or explain references in this story. Be sure to vote and comment.

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