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The Ages might be a little off but I blame Mika 

Paloma looked at Max Concerned not that he'd understand, Sure maybe it was normal, he had a concussion, He might not remember that their Mum wasn't around but the fact Mika had called her Pammy concerned her, It was a nickname Mika used as a kid, He probably hadn't used it since he was 16, The only time Paloma had heard him use the nickname as an adult was when she was waking up it hospital. "Are you going to get Mama? Everything feels weird. why does my hand hurt" He said looking down at his burnt hand.

"Mika you need to calm down just take it easy, you banged your head, what's the last thing you remember"

"You look strange Pammy, and that's stupid, I was on the stage of course" " Mika stated He still sounded very confused and looking around as if he didn't understand where he was or what was happening, The fact he remembered being on stage was a good sign she hoped.

"I remember walking off after singing with everyone, It's the most excited I've ever been, I'm glad Mama and Miss Alla persuaded me to try out" He smiles before frowning "What happened, Did I Trip, no I bet she came wanted to see how much of a failure I am So I would have to go back to her, So she could punish me... I don't want to go back to school" Mika says scared turning silent.

"No one going to make you go back to that school," Paloma says softly he wanted to hug him and let him know everything was okay so much but had no idea how she knew something was seriously wrong now all these childhood worries were so familiar yet so long ago,

Mika tried to get up despite Max telling him to stay seated on the ground, Mika ignored him but felt shaky this height didn't feel right to him. He didn't say anything, not wanting to burden anyone. He was scared not understanding what was happening and frightened that someone would hurt him. Mika soon fell again however Max managed to catch him but he had seemed to fall back unconscious probably from fear and shook.

"What just happened? " Max asked, confused noticing the shaken Paloma "Are you okay?"

"For starters, Pammy was a nickname he had for me as a kid plus all those fears he had, That was him at 11, I remember after the first night of the Royal opera he talked more than he had since we moved to England, He was excited to be using his talent but scared that if he failed he's get sent back to that teacher" Paloma tried to explain worried

"So he's regressed to those fears from childhood," Max asked

"No, He was talking about being there as if it just happened. I think he has forgotten everything since Childhood" Paloma said simply hoping it wasn't true, That He'd wake up remembering everything that he would be fine but was scared of the opposite.

He couldn't have forgotten almost 30 years of his life, it was impossible everything would be fine once they got to the hospital. Her thoughts were broken as the paramedics arrived.

"What happened," The paramedic asked

"We were rehearsing and the microphone gave him an electric shock. I think he tried to ignore it and carry on but ended up collapsing and hitting his head against the piano " max explained the paramedic frowned but nodded

"Has he woken up at all?" He asked, getting something to cover the burn as his crew got a stretcher for him

"Briefly but he wasn't himself, he was asking for our mum, she died last year but then started talking as if he was 11 but I think He got scared and disoriented and fainted again" Paloma added she needed to call the family but wanted to wait till they got to the hospital

"Recent memories are normal to be foggy however that far back can be concerning but we'll make sure your brother is in good hands, and we can find out what happened," The paramedic said calmly checking for nothing broken as they moved him onto a stretcher

"Can you make sure he isn't seen by anyone outside " She didn't want to have to explain his fame but also didn't want anyone outside seeing him and reacting, they didn't need this getting out yet.

"one of you can come with us " The paramedic added

"I want to stay with him," Paloma says,

"Me and Tim will follow in a taxi and we'll keep trying to call everyone, " Max said as they watched Mika get taken into the ambulance hoping that once they were at the Hospital everything would be fine, that his memories would be there.

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