I did an evil mwhahaha-

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Valentine's and I know the perfect guy to bully for this, with love! Moon, cuz I said, kiddos can easily bully him cuz he's not their most of the time.

Sun hummed as he waited for kids to come along, it was Valentine's! He gave one to all the glams and DJ, and the smaller ones, along with Gregory to! And no he didn't forget about moon, he put it in moons box, they had boxes set up for Valentine's, for him and moon, moon had already gave him one, and it went in the box.

When the kids came along, and yeah- error already gave aldryx a gift, he had brought gummy's, and it made him happy to see her tail wag being happy, he gave some to his friends to you know. Of course they got gifts from their other friends, like dagger, joke, Camilo, itty, and others like that.

They didn't have anything better to do, so they where making valentines, thinking this sun would probably be lonely and stuff, they've always seen him single, so yeah. It did make sun happy that the kids did want to make the cards, but lost track as kids asked for help and got distracted.

Nap time had came quicker, time flew man, moon was prepared to play with his little group of child friends, he enjoyed this, course he had to get them to sleep, it was still part of his code to do so.

Although the kiddos bullied him with pets and tickles, I mean- he didn't hate it, he enjoyed it a lot, just still wasn't used to it.

When the children left, sun went to check the boxes, finding more Valentine's then he expected," oh look moony there're so sweet" sun chimed, moon nodded" yeah" he didn't expect anything in moons box. Sun opened up moons box and moon got more then he expected, less then sun, but more then expected, he expected two, there was about ten, half of it from his little friend group and the other part being from kids that just liked him, but this made moon weak-.

With Bruno, he was planning to be alone with his rats,he got a knock on his door, so he went and opens the door" uncle Bruno!" The two youngest said, Mirabel and Camilo, Isabella, Dolores and lusia where there to behind them on the stairs," oh! What are you all doin?" He asked with a small smile, at least kids forgave him for, what ever he did even if the others in town blamed him for the visions, it was nice seeing this." It Valentine's!" Mirabel said, holding up a card that she made," hm? Is that for your mama?" He asked," no it's for you!" She smiled," f-for me?" He asked, a little puzzled, but delighted," yeah! We made cards for you!" Camilo said, this mans heart about to burst-

Lady of the two dagger and joke was just doing some test on their DNA stuff, trying to see if she found anything new or she should be worried about," mama!" Joke said," hm? Hey it's my boys!" She fluffed up joke face feathers, joke giggled," we made cards mom!" Dagger said softly as he held up a card to her," oh, my baby birds, they're lovely! Tell you two what, how about we go out for dinner and ice cream?" She smiled," yeah!" Joke put his hands up, while dagger jumped around happily. Someone knocked at the door, " hold on boys" she got up and answered it, it was the fellow she was supposed to introduce to the place, in general," hey (put good fake name here), I came to see how you are", " hm, it's a little weird you came around, I'm fine and about to take my boys out", " boys?" They asked," yeah my boys, I picked them up earlier, that daycare is weird I swear, but it keep them safe", " they're like, your sons? I didn't know you had kids" they said," no no, it's more of an- experiment, adoptive- it's complicated, now shoo, need to get them ready" she said, and pushed them out of the door frame.

Ink, Noot, and solazar where sitting at a table, judging each other, while error, aldryx, and agoti where playing around in the distance," so your my kids male friends parents?" The fire man asked," and your my son female friends parent?" Ink raised a brow," look you two, they get along, let them be friends" night said," friends now of days don't come too often for us old ones, just let them have this" he said, ink and solazar huffed," fine, but if they do something wrong no more" they both said and glared at each other.

Don't let me go!" Error said, aldryx was holding onto him, monkey bars, a line between life and death, aldryx was hanging by their tail" I won't! But I don't know how much longer I can hold!" She said, Agoti roared" rawr!" He said," no! Error hang on! The beast comes for our souls!" She said," I don't know if I can!" He said, before agoti jumped and held onto him," aldryx! I'm slipping!", " no error!" She said," you where the best female friend I've ever had, the only one to" he said," error don't say that! You have the rest of your life! Just hold on", " I'm sorry" he said before he let go," nooooo!!" She yelled..........

Error and agoti fell in the gravel" well that was fun" error smiled.

Something short and sweet, hooray, I wanna go to bed*thumbs up*

Me: child fight!

Y/n: no wait!- I'm allergic to adorableness!!

Me*throws child anyways*

Y/n*gets him with child* hm? Aw-


I give you family love!*throws this chapter at your face*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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