Chapter 3: New Friends?

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What time did you read this?

Felix's friends were an odd bunch. We have just made it to their table, and it was like a cornucopia of diversity— but the cliché kind.

"Hi, you guys. This is Arion, he's new" Felix introduced me as we sat our trays down.

They smiled in greeting before introducing themselves individually.

"Hi, I'm Amy," Amy was a pretty girl. She looked like one of those popular rich white girls. Wavy strawberry blonde hair, a light coat of makeup, an expensive-looking bag—the only thing missing is a poodle. She seemed nice.

"I'm Tyler," Tyler was the complete opposite of Amy. Firstly, he was black. He wore glasses that made him look like the 'nerdy' type, but he has muscles bulging out of his shirt (literally). Student-athlete maybe?

"Emily" the last member of the table introduced. Like Tyler, Emily wore glasses as well. She was a short Asian girl (probably around 5'0 (1.52 m)) with crazy style. I think goth is what you call people like her. Metalhead? Whatever, she looked cool. The highlight of my day.

"Hi, thanks for having me at your guy's table," I smiled not knowing what to say.

"I like your style Emily" I praised the Asian girl before taking a bite of my pizza.

She blushed in return and looked away. Did I say something wrong?

"Don't think about too much. She's shy." Amy said reading my mind. I nodded in response before taking another bite of my pizza, which wasn't that great might I add.

"So Arion, how do you like it so far at Beachside?" Tyler asked.

I took a sip of water before I answered. "It's okay. Not what I'm used to, but it's going okay."

The rest of lunch went like it did when Felix and I first met. The group asked me questions, I answered, and even Emily asked a few questions or two. Eventually they started their own conversations which I was grateful for.


The bell rang signifying the ending of lunch and I along with the rest of the table grabbed my tray and threw it away to go to my next class.

"Do you know where you're going next?" Felix asked, waiting for me by the cafeteria door.

"Yea, I have English."

"Aw, I have History. Catch you later" Felix said waving away.

I waved back and went in the opposite direction towards my class. It didn't take that long, since all the English courses are in one hallway— the same for all the other general classes. At least that's what I've noticed. Then again, I might be wrong.

English went by smoothly, I sat down, wrote down what was on the board, and went on to my next class. I didn't understand any of it, but I blended in, so I guess that counts for something.

The same thing happened in History, although I did understand more than I did when I was in English. Chronological events? Easy. Verbs, nouns, and all that other hosh posh? Not so much.

If only I could say the same thing for P.E. I am currently standing in the school's gymnasium waiting for the teacher under the harsh rays of the fluorescent lights.

Being from the ocean, my body is always wet. But being on land is something completely different. My skin would begin to form dry patches all over my body. Those patches get bigger and drier the longer I stay away.

"Alright folks, today will be an easy day!" A tall, bulky, bald man shouted to us. It was apparent that he was our teacher.

He had on blue basketball shorts red muscle shirt and whistle and a clipboard and whistle to match the cliché 'gym teacher' aesthetic.

If I knew real High school would've been this cliché, I would've just told my mom to keep me at home and I can just get my education from Degrassi.

"We got a couple of laps around the gym, and then you're free to do whatever you want." There was a series of exciting whispers permeating the air after his announcement.

This must not be something that often happens.

I did not bring a change of clothes, so I just ran in my clothes—or should I say attempted. Whoever invented running deserves to be beheaded.

We did a total of three laps around the gym, and I was ready to prop down and die. I just settled with sitting down on the bleachers.

I'm not usually like this. So distraught, so weak, so human!

"Hey, are you okay?" A feminine voice asked.

"Fine, thanks," I replied, not bothering to look at the girl.

I felt her presence for a couple of seconds before she finally got the hint that I didn't want to be bothered and finally left.

"You know, that wasn't very nice."Another voice stated. This time it was coming from behind me, well above.

This time I did turn around.

He was beautiful, for a human at least.

Dark skin, chiseled jawline, and a nice muscular build. The only thing he was missing was a tail.

"What wasn't very nice?" I replied, feigning innocence.

He took a couple of steps down before replying.

"She was just trying to see if you were alright."

With the now closer proximity, I can see his beauty up close and personal.

He looked oddly familiar. It didn't dawn on me where I saw him from until he pulled out his glasses.

What was his name? Trent? T-Bo?

"I mean, I replied to her and thanked her. So I don't think I did anything wrong." I said to Tom.

He gave me a look that said really and proceeded to go on about how I 'knew what I was doing'.

"Didn't we meet before?" I asked Trenton.

"You don't remember me?!" He gasped dramatically.

I laughed at that.

"Felix introduced you to the group." He continued, "that was literally a little over an hour ago, how can you forget?"

"Maybe it wasn't worth remembering," I replied sassily like one of the schoolgirls from Degrassi.

"Maybe I'll need to show you then." He said huskily, inching closer to me with every word.

The air was caught in my throat and I did not know what to say. This was definitely not the vibe I was going for.

By the grace of the moon goddess, the bell rang, indicating the end of this period and the end of school for the day.

We both jumped out of our trance like daze and packed up our things.

"See you later, Arion."He winked at me before heading towards the exit.

"Wait! What's your name again?" I called out.

He was too far away and the gymnasium was too loud with all the excited noise of the other students.

I need to go for a swim.

I apologise for the wait! Finished with finals and jumped straight to rehearsal (I'm a dancer).

Anyways, thoughts? What do you guys think of Trevor? Is there something brewing?

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