~Chapter 15 🐺~

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Zayn's POV

"What the fuck happened? Why does my head hurt so much?" I said as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Oh my god, you woke up Zee," I heard a male's voice by my side and when I turned to see who it was and I saw a beautiful green eye guy with curly hair, beautiful curly hair.

"Who are you?" I asked confused since the guy was touching my hand like if he knew me.

"Don't play games Zee," the guy said with a nervous laugh.

"I'm not playing, who are you?" I asked removing his hand from me.

"Zayn, do you remember me?" I heard Liam ask me, so I turned to look at him.

"Of course, but who is him?" I asked again, turning to look at the beautiful boy that was still next to me.

Wait, why are tears falling down his face?

"He is y..." Liam couldn't finish what he was saying because he was interrupted by the guy.

"I'm just a regular student, I'm your fan and I wanted to make sure you were okay," he said with tears still falling down. "But don't worry, I'm leaving," he said, turning around and leaving the room.

I felt my heart break and I didn't even know why.

"I will be right back Zayn," Liam said and walked outside to where the boy had left.

I decided to see what the fuck was going on and try to understand why the guy was so hurt so I walked to the window and open the curtains and I saw the curly guy crying non stop on Liam's chest, that made me feel even worst that what I already felt.

Roger: I'm also hurting and I don't know why
Zayn: I was about to ask you if you knew what was happening
Roger: No we don't, but I feel an unexplainable connection with him
Zayn: Me too, there is something about him

I should probably ask Gigi!

I then grabbed my phone and saw that the curly guy was on my LockScreen.

I then grabbed my phone and saw that the curly guy was on my LockScreen

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What does this mean?

I immediately unlocked my phone and went straight to my contacts and called Gigi.

"Hey baby, what's up?" She asked.

"Hey, I'm at the nurse and something weird just happened and I need you to explain it to me, can you come to the nurse's office?" I said with a serious tone.

"Of course baby, I will be there in a couple of minutes," she said, hanging up the phone.

I went back to the window and I saw that Liam was still with the curly headed guy, but there were also more guys around him and the guy there was also a tall guy hugging the beautiful curly headed guy and that made me annoyed for some reason.

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