𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙚

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I remember when I first told aj about me getting that suitcase of drugs from leslie. She went fucking nuts

*flash back*

I was in rue bedroom listening to her tell me about how she got a suitcase full of drugs from that lady from the deal on new years. Now I love rue with all my heart but she has to be a dumb bitch for taking that suitcase from that crazy ass gangster lady. For all ik is if she don't have the money or anything she either gon get sold to weird people. Or get killed slowly. Who knows

"Rue what the actual fuck is wrong with you" I sat rubbing my temple
"What I needed them. Yk I'm not planning on staying sober, Im gonna die either way." Rue said carelessly
"Wtf rue why would you say that. You've gotten worse as soon jules left you on that fucking train station I seriously cant stand to see you like this rue. When you get better call or text me I'm not watching you kill yourself." I say grabbing my purse getting ready to walk out
"Fuck you aj I thought I could tell you and you would be cool about it but your just like gia"
"Shut the fuck up rue because I let you get away with doing all types of drugs and never Criticised you because I thought it was a one time fucking thing but it became an addiction and once I see Jules I'm going to fuck her up you were doing fine until she came in the picture. " I say walking out letting tears run down my face
*flashback ended*
Aj pov:
Location:ashtray room

I was currently thinking about what happened the other day with rue. I didn't mean to go off on her like that but I'm tired of her bs. This was all Jules fault. I blame her for rue acting like this.
I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't hear the phone ringing...

Rue is calling... Answer
Yes or no
I pressed cancel call. But she called again

"What do you want rue." I say with an additude
"It isn't rue. Its gia I need you over here asap" gia says. She sounds likes she crying. And not only that I hear rue in the back.. Wth?
"Um OK I will be over there in 10" I say getting up off the bed
Ash and fez went to do business while Faye was in the front room watching TV like she always does.
I walk into the front room to let Faye know I'm gonna leave for like 30 mins
"Hey faye, I'm gonna be out for like 30 minutes don't touch anything except the food." I say informing her. Looking at the necklace i brought her from last week.
"Um OK bye" she says talking slow. I love her voice tbh
I walk out the door making sure it's locked with the key fez got me from last week

I made it to rues house and I walk up to the door seeing its cracked a little I open it quietly and go in and see Jules and Elliott.

I just stand there while listening to rue trash the house and yell at her mom.

"WHERE TF IS THE SUIT CASE. WERE IS IT" I heard from the kitchen
"We flushed them" Jules said making the whole house silent.

So what I'm putting together is Jule found out about the suitcase told her mother and this happened....

Rues mom was was telling rue how she basically embarrassed herself and ATP rue went off on everyone.
She just stands there with the look of betrayal on her face
"Oh" rue says chuckling
"OK I see what's going on, yea I see exactly what's going on" she said staring at me,Elliot,and Jule
I just stood in space so I can stop myself from crying. Until rue came in my face
"and you. You fucking traitor you told my mother about this? Huh? I knew I should've never told your ass anything!" Rue said in my face. I love rue but I don't take disrespect from no one.
"Rue I didnt say shit I was called here from YOUR PHONE by gia she's fucking worried about you."
"Fuck you." Was all rue said to me
"She didnt say anything..... I did" jule said this bitch.
"You did what?, so this fucking commotion thats happening rn is because of your selfish crybaby ass? I should seriously fuck you up it wasn't your place to SAY ANYTHING TO HER MOTHER NOW SHES GOING TO FUCKING DIE OR GET SOLD BECAUSE OF YOU BITCH IM GOING TO FUCK YOU UP THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" I say getting mad and taking Out my earrings
" bitch pls. What you were worried about was her not loving you any more your just a fucking junkie ass bitch that likes to hoe around. Who knows you and Elliot might be secretly fucking behind closed doors go fuck your self." I noticed Elliot tense up once I said him and jule secretly fucking behind closed doors.
After I got finished rue went in on jule and told her they are done. Fucking finally.
"I love you" jule says trying to manipulate rue
"No you don't. You love being loved." Rue said pointing in her face damn.
I get a call

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