Chapter 2

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I woke up to the kiddos jumping on me and Nick. I searched for my phone and saw that it's only 9. It's so early and they have so much energy. How? Anyway I got up and went to the bathroom. After I was done I went and searched for my siblings. "Ava. Come one lets go shopping for the house and stuff!" yelled Nick. "Key, okey. Coming!" I yelled back. As I came downstairs they weren't here anymore. In that very moment I heard a car honk. Ahhy they're outside. I put on my sneakers got my phone and purs and went to the so called 'Family car'. (Pic on top/side) to hop in. "So where are we going?" I asked Nick. "To target to buy everything we need." he answered me. "Ah ok. That's cool.! Do I take the kiddos with me and I'll look for their room plus mine? And you will look for yours, and the rooms we are in together. Or do we look around together?" I asked. My curiousity coming up. "I think you'll do your room, bathroom plus filmingroom and take the kids with you. Then we go together for the kids and the other stuff. Good?" "Yeah" I smiled at him. He's such a great Brother. "I love you Nick and you're the best!" "I love you too Sissy and thanks!" he smiled back. Soon after that we arrived at target. Me and the children went an other way than Nick. But first I headed to the drink section because I was thirsty. On the way to the section I bumped into someone and Leo nearly fell off my arm. "Can you watch where you walk! He nearly fell of my arm you asshole!" I half yelled at this person. This person turned around and let me tell you. He was one beautiful human being. "Oh my. I'm sorry, I didn't want to. Anyways you have two cute kids." "Yeah. I know." I said, smiled and walked away. Hopefully I'll see him again. I got my drink went to pay for it. And started shopping.

3hours later

After three long exhausting hours I was done with my room, bathroom, filmingroom, Emmas room, the kiddos bathroom, Leos room, playroom, livingroom and Nick was finished with his rooms. Now is only the gym, kitchen and the guest bathroom left. We were fast done with the kitchen and the guest bathroom. Now there is only the gym left. "Ava come on, speed up. We're nearly finished." "I don't want to walk around anymore. I have two sleeping kids on my arms." I whined. He took Emma out of my arm grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. He didn't let go of my hand and for my luck the good looking human being from earlier walked up to us but I didn't realise that I was still holding my brothers hand so he said. "So this is the lucky guy is who got you preggo with these cute kiddos." my brother started cracking up and I was shocked and let go of Nicks hand. "Did I say something wrong?" "Ahahahah...u-uhm. N-n-noo. Hahahha. S-she i-is m-my s-sister! hahah " Nick said inbetween laughter. The guy joined my brothers laughter. And again to my luck the kiddos woke up and Leo started crying and yelling. "GUYS REALLY! Ugh!" "Sorry Ava. I'll take him. So you can talk a bit. " And with that Nick walked away. "Haha I thought this was your husband or something." "Yeah, Bitch you guessed" he gave me a weird look "What don't look at me like that... uhmm...(?)" "Nate. And I guess your name is Ava?" "Ah. Nice name and bitch you guessed." I said cracking up. "You're a weirdo! Hahaha and stop calling me bitch." "I am" *hairflip* "And sorry biatch but I gotta go my brother over there looks stressed with the kiddos. Bye Nate " I said and walked away. But got pulled back into a bear hug. I guess Nate is hugging me. "Haha okei. Goodbye Ava. I hope I will see you soon." He said and kissed the top of my head. Weird right(?) "Yeah. Bye Nate." I waved and walked off. That was...well..interesting. I found my brother got the kiddos and walked out to the car while Nick was paying for everything. Target said they will deliver us everything tomorrow and will help to set everything up. Woah that service doe. So tomorrow or the day after I have to get the decoration stuff. I will probably get that tomorrow so I don't have to set up everything. Mwahaha Masterplan. Anyway so after we got out of Target we went to a Supermarket to get food. We bought a lot food because our fridge is huge af! We finally got home. I got the kiddos and sat them on the kitchen counter while Nick and me cooked lunch at 2am. We had some yummy chinese food. We were done eating at four. So we got cardgames and boardgames and played all night long till the kiddos were to tired. And obviously we had pizza as dinner.

Once again it was an eventful day today.

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