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I've never felt this before. Happiness. But not the kind when you get the gift you always wanted, or when you see the cutest pet dog walking down the street.
The kind where I felt like I could breathe. I could think. Without the stress and pain of life. I felt the urge to do one last cut, so I did so. It wouldn't change the end result.

I rested my head against the back of the bath tub. The water was warm. It could have been warmer. But I couldn't care any less. I dunked my arms under water again. Feeling the sting made a faint smile twitch across my face. I was so happy.

Just feeling the blood rushing out of my multiple gashes on both arms was so fulfilling. The lights were dim but enough to see the water and make out the Scarlett red stains gushing from my veins. It looked like a murder scene. Exactly what I wanted.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Before I knew it, my head was full of thoughts. Dreams. Regrets. But nothing made me feel bad about what I had done. Because I knew no-one cared. And I accepted that. Just as i settled down to sleep, for one last time

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