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"Subject B-1424, please step forward."

I clenched my fists and did as the man said. I was sick and tired of everybody telling me what to do around here, but there really was no point. I had nowhere to go if I tried to get out.

"Continue with the test," the voice said.

I sighed and looked to where a set of about a dozen armed robots stood. At the voice command, they powered on, and started shooting at me with military guns.

I yawned. They need to get more creative with these tests - it's the least they could do after everything I've done for them.

I darted forward at superhuman speeds and took down the first bot with one swipe of my claws. I felt bullets pelt my back, but they had no effect on me. I reached behind me with my four tentacles and crushed the three robots that shot me. As I did that, I glared at another robot, and it exploded. Probably my favorite enhancement of the ones they gave me - the ability to hack devices with one look.

As for the rest of the robots, well, let's just say I didn't have to do much. Like I always say, the golden coin will decide their fate.

I took my favorite golden-colored coin and tossed it in the air. When it landed, I threw it at the remaining robots. Suddenly, magnetic electricity pulsed from it and forced the robots to combust.

I stood there breathing heavily for a second before I heard the announcement.

"Test complete. Remain where you stand and wait for further instructions."

I waited in the center of the room before three people came in. Two of them were just random armed military soldiers, but the one in the middle I knew very well.

I know him as Eli. He was the guy that says he's my "Master" or whatever, but he takes that title for granted. He hates me, I can tell.

"Well done, B-1424," Eli said, smiling, "The government is pleased with your progress."

I bit my lip to stop myself from making a remark. I learned my first day that it was not a good idea to talk back around here.

"Another thing," Eli continued, "My son here seems interested in what you are achieving."

For the first time, I noticed a kid peeking out from behind Eli. He was about eleven - my age - with darker, sandy-brown hair. His eyes were a dark green, like Eli's. I shivered as I realized how much they resembled each other.

"This is Laff," Eli said, "He's going to take my place when I get promoted - which I know I will. Say hello, Laff."

Laff looked up at me shyly and gave me a small wave. "H-hi."

I smiled. "Hey."

I suddenly felt a sharp pain go up my arm. Eli had his taser. Of course.

"No talking!" Eli snapped.

I clenched my fists. The taser didn't hurt at this point - I had grown a high pain tolerance - but Eli knew I hated it with a red-hot passion. I have PTSD about it at night.

Laff hid behind Eli at his father's harsh tone. Poor kid.

Eli sighed and placed his hand on Laff's head. "You're fine. He just needs to know his place around here."

My place. Hah. If it was up to him, my place would be on the front lines - my least favorite place, but where I was most effective.

"Alright," Eli turned to the two soldiers that were with him, "Escort him back to his room. Make sure he doesn't do any funny business."

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