Chapter 12

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(Meme PoV)

That was basically the routine for the next few weeks. Eli took us to the testing room, Blaza tried to kill us, the Eli sent us back with those two experiments, who I learned were called J-00C13 and T-13VG.

Woolf and Dino had been moved that first day when Tbh and I were almost killed. Maybe they were experimenting on them. Who even knows at this point.

My left leg's basically disabled now. Blaza severed something when he crushed me, and the medics apparently aren't allowed to help me any further than they did, so now I just have to drag my useless foot around like a sandbag.

And the entire left side of Tbh's face is basically gone. He got clawed pretty deep, so now he has a long scar down the side of his face, going over his now missing eye and down his neck. He had also gotten a crack in his skull, and he was lucky to have survived that by itself.

I was sitting down against the wall, as usual (I mean, nothing else to do in here) when I heard footsteps coming. I though it was Eli coming to take us to more torture, but it was actually some guards taking the purple guy, T-13VG, to a newer containment unit across from us. He looked really angry at them. Probably because they were jabbing him with the taser every time he so much as took one wrong step.

After he got thrown into the containment unit, T-13VG just growled at them and sat down, staring off into space.

I crawled closer to the door and tapped on the glass of our cell. The experiment turned, saw me, and growled.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"I just... wanted to see if you were okay," I said.

He grunted. "Been worse. What's it to you?"

I sighed. "I just don't like what they're doing to you guys. You shouldn't have to obey they're every command."

"We shouldn't even be here," T-13VG said, "They just stroll in, take some kid, and just do what they want. I was the lucky kid in my bunch, unfortunately."

"I can see that," I said sadly.

We remained silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. I broke the silence after a while.

"While you've been walking around this place, have you seen a kid with brown hair and a blue t-shirt anywhere?" I asked.

T-13VG thought for a moment. "Y'know, I think I have. A couple weeks ago, I passed him and some guards following Eli. Looked like they were heading to the containment units for the newer subjects. Haven't seen him since."

I froze. Oh god. Not Muffin. They wouldn't, would they?


T-13VG saw my fearful look. "If it makes you feel better, they don't take kids to those units before experimentation. They do the experiments first, which was in the opposite direction."

I sighed in relief. That did make me feel a bit better.

"What about Nadwe?" I asked.

"Who?" T-13VG questioned.

"Right, sorry," I corrected, "He's a kid with black hair and a top hat."

"Haven't seen anyone like that," he replied.

I sighed. "Worth a shot," I muttered.

"And by the way," T-13VG said, "Didn't catch your name."

"Meme," I said, "My friend over there is Tbh. What's your name?"

He chuckled. "Don't get that one often. You probably know my subject number, but the others just call me TB."

"Nice to meet you, TB."

"You too, Meme."


mmmmm yes making friends with an experiment great idea

566 words

Experimental - A BlazaPlays AUWhere stories live. Discover now