+10 || bellis perennis

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Hello my loves, you've finally arrived at the FINAL chapter of Forget Me Not. Many apologies for the long wait, Wattpad glitched for me during the last time I intended to update, so I decided to push it to Valentine's day instead. Perfect day to end the story, don' you think?

Please read the author's note at the end of the story for some important announcements.


+ 1 0

b e l l i s   p e r e n n i s

For beginnings.

(now: +10)

HE ONCE TOLD her that, in order for something else—something better—to come her way, she needed to let the past go. Back then, the past had been Keith, and he had been the better choice that came along.

But now, she's not sure what the 'something better' is.

The future is a blank canvas, and she might have the paint, but she's not sure what to put on it. They've planned their lives together for such a long time that, without him, she feels a little lost. Directionless. She tells herself that she can find a way on her own, that she'll be her own compass, but something still feels missing.

Stifling a sigh, she picks up her pace towards the coffeeshop at the end of the street. It's getting warmer now, the sunlight hits her face as soon as she's out in the open air, and a prickle of heat runs down her spine. She starts to cross the road, then stops.

It's him.

Her eyes widen, and she almost drops her cup. For a second or two, she can only blink at Dylan in sheer surprise. He's standing right there on the sidewalk, with a jacket in one hand, and looking directly at her. When she locks eyes with him, he breaks into a small smile. It's not the wide, sunny one she remembers, but it's there, and it's him.

Clutching her cup tightly, she dashes across the road with only six seconds to spare, just before the light turns red. When she hits the pavement, she comes to a halt. Her heart is in her throat; she doesn't know what to say.

He says it first anyway. "Hi."

"Hi," she says, catching her breath. "What—what're you doing here?"

He doesn't respond to her question. Instead, he stares up at the huge building she's just come out of. His eyes widen, and he looks a little impressed. "That's where you work?"

"That's my parents' business. I've no intention of taking over the company, but since I'm on sabbatical from my old job, I'm doing some research here to help them."

"So you didn't use to work here?" He frowns when she shakes her head. "Why not? You'd be closer to your parents this way."

"Because you were thousands of miles away. And I wanted to come home."

His gaze warms as he stares at her, and she's suddenly very aware that this isn't Dylan with his memories. He's still the same person, but he also isn't. It's like looking into the eyes of a familiar stranger, and everything about this is both old and new.

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