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Author's POV

"You guys go from the back , we'll go from the front. The others are going from the roof top.And do not make any loud noise until you hear a loud noise."Erasure head glared at the student on his last sentence as they nodded their heads.

The man parted ways with them disappearing into the building with a few students ,leaving Fat gum in charge.

"This way." Fat gum leads the way thru the ally.

"We should look for a way to get in."Ochaco said.

"Blow the wall already man!" Whisper yelled Kirishima to Bakugo who was trying to look for a window for all of them to sneak into the building.

"I can't you dumbass!" Yelled Bakugo.

"Don't yell!" Fat gum Whisper yells.

"That's right Kirishima, we shouldn't make loud noises . They might find out we're here." Whispered Ida.

They were standing behind the building  which was suspected to be some sort of  hide out of Shigaraki Tomura .

UA was asked to help since there were a fewer Pro heroes Available at the moment. Everyone decided to split up in groups searching the whole area.

"I don't see-" Midoriya was cut off by a loud noise inside the building .

"No need to be quiet I guess." Said Ida .
"Baku-" the wall wall was already blown up by the guy before Ida could say anything.

The wall being blown up revealed a empty lab confirming it had indeed something to do with the Villains.

"The others must have found something, we should look for them." Fat gum said as he walked further in through the door of the lab.

Looking for the others they had stumbled across a locked room.

"Midoriya , break the door." Said Todoroki.

Midoriya nodded before charging at the door.

The door burst open revealing a half destroyed room.

"What happened here?" Ochaco caughed as the room was filled with smoke.

The whole room was burning as  someone was laying unconscious on the ground in the middle of the room.

"Who's that?" Said  Kirishima hardening his body .

"Is that a girl?" Ochaco said as the person stood up.

Bakugo stood back trying to figure out why he felt as if he had seen her somewhere.

Messy long black hair, fangs showing as she breaths heavily through her mouth , eyes grey with no sign of  Irish in them, nails slightly long , black substance dripping from her forehead,  some sort of mechanism attached to her head.

"You ok-" Kirishima and Fat gum tried approach her but were cut off as the girl bit Kirishima's arm. Her  teeth didn't go through since his quirk was hardening.

Fat gum fell to the ground  immediately after he got scratched by her.

"I can't move!" Fat gum sreams in pain as his body starts to shrink.

"Maybe that's her quirk! She scratched him!" Midoriya exclaimed.
"Don't let her bite or scratch you!" Ida shouted as they all charge  towards the girl.

Sero held her left hand as the girl growls. It didn't take her time to scratch it off with her other hand while fighting fhe others.

Ida pushed her and Kirishima tries to tackle her down.  As she was getting tackled her eyes turned pitch black  before she threw him away.

Todoroki tried to restrain her from moving with his ice but she broke free. She ran to attack him but Bakugo blows her away .

She got up to attack again but her arms were held back by Midoriya.

The girl cries out in pain as Kaminari uses his quirk

She tried to break free  but Bakugo jumped on her . She was pinned down by Bakugo stepping on her right arm and held the other arm out  as he blocked her feet by sitting on her knees.
Everyone could hear her growling as she tried to get up, black tears rolling down her cheeks.

He used his quirk on her head with his free hand which caused the thing on her head to break.  As soon as the machine broke  her eyes turned normal  just like an ordinary  person's before passing out. Bakugo's eyes widend as he noticed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Midoriya yelled.
"Finish her off Bakubro!" Kirishima  yelled.

"I can't." Bakugo said as his eyes were covered with his hair.

Unknown's POV

My vision was blurry and I couldn't see anything clearly. It was getting blurrier as seconds passed by.

All I could make out of the scene was that I was pinned some red eyed blonde  guy.

I felt myself  getting lifted  before everything went completely black.


First chapter:>
A bit messy ig.
I came out with the idea in one night
Hope you guys liked it <3

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