01- Prologue

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For 10 years a war in a world, much different from ours, has been taking place. That war is not fought by tanks and guns, but with wands and trolls. It is a war of magic that, unbeknownst to anyone, will meet its end this very night.

For tonight the leader of the opposing party, Lord Voldemort or Tom Marvolo Riddle, shall die.

He will not die completely, no he is too dark and powerful for that. Voldemort had dabbled into dark spells and potions unknown to most dark wizards. He has made 6 horcruxes and tonight shall unintentionally make another. 7 is a magical number after all.

Voldemort, alone, heads to Godrics Hollow where he goes into the potter house, which he can see due to the secret keeper Pettigrew telling him of it.

He throws the door open and hears the potters running. Voldemort sees the male, James Potter is his name. James tries to protect his wife and child from dieing, but ultimately fails.

Voldemort walks up the stairs, he gives the wife a chance to go. The wife, Lily Potter, refuses and gives all her love to Harry. While she does that she unintentionally removes the binding of her sons magic.

Voldemort casts the worst of the three unforgivable curses, The Death Curse. But the curse bounced back due to Harry's magic, but was not all that held the curse back. The magic of Harry that was unbound was in alot of quantity and had lots of quality.

With only his magic unbinding he would be able to take almost deadly damage from the killing curse while bouncing it back to Voldemort. But due to another factor in play, his mothers love. Harry survived the killing curse with only a small scar. That is, and will continue to be, one of the most awesome moments in Wizardry History.

Shortly after the failed attack led by Voldemort failed, a young black haired man ran into the house. His name was Sirius Black. Sirius, being a good friend of James Potter, knew immediately that something bad happened. He did not know how, nor why he felt something happened. But he just knew and that was enough for him

When Sirius walked inside the house, he kept his wand at the ready. He carefully examined the house before moving to Harry's room where he saw Harry's mother, lying dead on the floor, and a past out Harry.

Sirius, through tears, took Harry into his arms and shook him. Harry quietly giggled from the shaking.

Sirius walked to outside the house, where he saw Hagrid about to go in.

"Hello Hagrid, if i may ask, what are you doing here?"

"Hello Lord Black, i have come on orders of Dumbledore to retrieve young Harry Potter here."

"I am afraid that you will not be able to take my godson. I wish to raise him in solitude, alone and away from Lily's wizard-hating sister and brother-in-law."

"What should i say to Dumbledore?"

"Tell him that Harry will be more powerful than most of the students when they come in. Tell him to make special arrangements. If he asks how Voldemort got in, it is because Peter Pettigrew is a foul liar that was a double agent for Voldemort."

"Understood, Lord Black. I shall see to it."

"I hope the next time we meet will be on more friendly terms." Sirius said.

"I hope so aswell, old friend." Hagrid said.

The two hugged with tears coming out of both their eyes, knowing, what they think, is exactly what happened.

Hagrid left off to Dumbledore to tell him the news.

Sirius looked at Harry, who opened his eyes, looked back at Sirius, and giggled.

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