II - Early "Training"

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Yo, DL Back with another chapter. I'll see yall at the end of the chapter.

We see Sirius Black and Harry Potter, who is currently 5, playing on training broomsticks.

"Harry! You're going so fast!"

"Hah ha!!"

Both of them were just fooling around. Without a female putting her foot on the ground, they could do whatever they wanted.

Before long, Sirius, told Harry to fly down to the ground.

"Now then Harry, you are allowed to ask one question and i will answer it."

Sirius thought it would be something about his parents.

"What are the roles on Quiditch, Sirius?"

That was something he didn't expect, Sirius himself.

"Well there are 4 positions and 7 players on a team Harry. Those 4 positions include Keeper, defending you're rings. Chaser, you try to score in the opposite teams rings. Beater, you have a bat and try to shoot one of the bludgers into the other player. Lastly there is the Seeker, he is the one who can finish the game. The Seekers task is to catch a small golden ball called a snitch."

"Woww, cool"

"Yeah, it is. You're father was the best Seeker in his time at Hogwarts."

"I wanna become a Seeker too!"

"I am sure you will Harry."

They then walked to Potter Manor.

Let me give you a bit more insight on Potter Manor. Potter Manor has an area of about 67,500 meters squared. In it is, of course, Potter Manor, a Quiditch Zone, a fishing village called Potters Sea, a blacksmithing village called Potters Town, a stable for horses, 20 or so resorts, some sea side some in the land, a farming town called Potters Acre and last but not least is a mining town called Potters Quarry.

It is pretty big and is close to Middlesbrough, which is close to York.

It is fully self sufficient, as it has a basilisk-farm, acromantula-farm and many other farms for various potions or ritual stuff.

Everyone that lives there is rent free, the only time that people have to go outside is for their wand or their schooling, which is not provided. But may be in the future.

"Harry, what do you wanna do?"

"Sirius, why are you so serious now."

"Let me rephrase the question, what do you wanna learn before you're gonna go to you're school?"

"Could you show me what I can choose out of, pa'food?"

"*chuckle* Of course Harry Pottah!"


They then begin walking to the library, to talk to Simon again.

"Hello Simon, I bring with me the young Pottah heir."

"*laugh* Very well Sirius, what is it that you wish of me."

"I wanted to start the training of Heir Potter early, but he doesn't know what he wants. Is there any way he could find out his specialties?"

"Yes, but it would require being a friend of the Goblin Nation."

"Does being nice to them count?"

"Probably does, given how wizards treat them as trash."

"Is there any way to make our chances of getting the thing you are talking about bigger?"

"Yes, but I do not suppose you want to learn Gobbledegook."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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