It Will Take Time-(johnlock)

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A/N: half of the credit of this story goes to someone on omegle as this was a roleplay that i have continued.

It had been three years since the fall. Since the worst day of John's life. It was the anniversary of Sherlock's death today, and John had decided to go and visit his friend's grave. He knew it would be hard. It always was... but then again, everything was hard these days.

Ever since the fall, John began finding it hard to do everyday things... to get through an everyday life. He hoped desperately that a visit might help, though he doubted it. But either way, here he was. Standing in front of the now faded black headstone labelled 'Sherlock Holmes'. John stood in front of it, only staring at first, but eventually he spoke. "Hello Sherlock... erm... I'm back. I've missed you."

Sherlock watched as John started to talk, every day Sherlock had been here, and he's sick of hiding, today Sherlock is going to show himself but he listens a little longer.

John stared at the grave, trying to push away the tears that had begun to form in his eyes. "Well... um... I haven't actually visited you in a year. Mycroft made me stop coming after the third time I fell asleep here..." he said, laughing weakly. "But um, it's been three years now. And... My life is in pieces. I wish you were still here... to make things good again. To um... well, to save me from loneliness like you did last time. I miss the adventure as well... I don't do much anymore," he said quietly, staring down at the fading name on the headstone as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Sherlock felt his heart break as he watched John poor out all his feelings and he watched the tear fall down his cheek. Sherlock felt one of his own tears fall down his face as he whispered "I'm sorry" with that said he couldn't take it anymore, seeing John hurt. He was pissed off that Mycroft had the nerve to stop John from coming to see him. So Sherlock decided to show himself so John would come back to him, Sherlock stood away from the tree and said, "John."

John opened his mouth to continue speaking when he heard his name. The voice practically caused him to fall over, but he managed to catch himself before doing so. Instead, John spun around on his heels, looking for the source of the voice. Eventually, John's eyes landed on a man. An all too familiar, impossible man. It was Sherlock Holmes. John furrowed his brow, simply staring, unsure of what to say. This couldn't be possible... surely he was going insane. Or maybe he was dreaming...

Sherlock stood there looking at John decide if he was going insane, so he walked closer until they were touching distance apart "John, I'm so sorry, it had to be done, Moriarty would of had you killed if I didn't, and if you died I don't know what I would of done." Sherlock kept looking at John, trying to deduce something...

John opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again, finding the words caught in his throat. As soon as Sherlock was standing directly in front of John, the man reached out, touching Sherlock's arm as if to see if he was real. He felt solid... he felt more real than any dream he'd ever had... but it couldn't be. John felt himself beginning to grow lightheaded and his body threatened to fall over. Probably from the utter shock of the situation. The fact that he hadn't eaten that day due to anticipation of his visit probably didn't help much either. "But you're dead" he finally managed, though his voice was weak.

"John, I think you need to sit down, I'll explain everything. Molly helped me fake my death with her knowledge of death. Your view was blocked by a wall and a truck I fell on to a netting system that was attached to the truck, when it left you started to run to me, you were then knocked over by a biker, to give me more time. You then came over and took my pulse, you didnt get a pulse because I did the ball under the arm trick. I was then taken inside and Molly switched my body for another."

John continued to stare, trying hard to take in everything Sherlock was saying, but he was struggling to do so. It all seemed so impossible... it all seemed so unlikely. John had practically watched Sherlock die that day. He had missed the impact-obviously- but he saw the blood... he felt Sherlock's cold hand... no pulse. It had been horrible. Visions of that day still gave John nightmares to this day. "I think you're right... I do need to sit down..." he mumbled, putting a hand gently to the side of his head.

"John I am so sorry" Sherlock took some steps towards John, he then caught John from falling and placed him on the floor. He then stared into John's eyes.

John allowed Sherlock to gently lower him to the ground, his mind was still racing. Searching for any possible answer for what was going on, but the only thing that he ended up with was that it must be real. He hoped it was... he had missed Sherlock so much. He had been so lonely. John glanced up at Sherlock carefully. "Why couldn't you have told me?" he whispered

"I'm sorry John, I'm so so so sorry. I had to be sure no one else would come after you. You mean so much to me, more than you know."

"Mean something to you?" he stammered, still trying to make sense of what was going on around him. He knew he was Sherlock's friend, but Sherlock didn't care. Alone protected him. That was who he was. The man who always preferred to be alone. It didn't make sense that Sherlock would care so much about one man's safety.

It Will Take Time-(johnlock)-SHERLOCK BBC!!ON HOLD!!Where stories live. Discover now