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"Come on, Lily," James Potter pleaded as he followed behind the red headed girl who was currently storming overto the couches in the Gryffindor Common Room where her younger sister sat.Rosemary Evans looked up from her book before a small smirk found it's way on her face. She looked over atRemus Lupin who had accompanied her on the couch."Is he ever going to give up, Rose?" Remus asked.The young girl scoffed, "It's been six years, Moony. What do you think?""Rose!" Lily Evans yelled, eyes burning with anger as she stared down her sister, "Get your friend to leave meET oa T-taa'Uust one date, Lils," Rosemary smiled softly. "It might actually kill him if you don't.""She's right!" James exclaimed.Rosemary quickly shot him a look telling him to shut up or she'd stop helping him."If |go on one date it might kill me," Lily groaned."Stop being dramatic," Rosemary rolled her eyes. 'James is a nice guy."James grinned proudly at his friend's words and Rosemary regretted saying them as she narrowed her eyes atan"You just don't want to hear him complain about me rejecting him anymore," Lily crossed her arms."And | don't want to hear you complaining about him never leaving you alone," Rosemary added. "Lily, please.""I'm not going on a date with him," she huffed before storming up the stairs to her room.Rosemary raised her eyebrows at her friend, "What'd you do this time, Prongs?""Nothing," James sighed while sitting on Rosemary's other side. "I simply asked her to Hogsmeade.""There's never anything simple about you asking Lily Evans out," Remus commented."Please don't tell me you gave her more flowers," Rosemary crinkled her nose. "It never works.""Then tell me what does work," James groaned, resting his head on Rosemary's head."Have you tried not being you," Rosemary snickered, sharing a look with Remus."What are you on about?" James said confused."Don't do any of that silly shit you typically do," Rosemary explained."Why is it you're so much easier than your sister?" James whined."I don't know if I'd say Rose was easier," Remus snickered.Rosemary whacked his arm with her book, narrowing her eyes at him. "| thought we were friends, Moony.""| was only stating the facts," Remus shrugged with a smirk."They're wrong facts!" Rosemary exclaimed, "Tell him Prongs!""What's got our little cub all upset over here?" Sirius Black entered the Common Room with a big grin when hespotted the young Evans girl pouting."Don't call me that," Rosemary shot him a look and crossed her arms. "If you're all going to gang up on me, thenperhaps I'll be joining Lily. And to think I said all those nice things about you, Prongs.""Oi, stop it Rose," James smirked and moved to wrap an arm around the young girl. "You're joining us for SlugClub tonight right?""As long as Remus is keeping me as his plus one," Rosemary glared at the laughing lad. "Since you're Padfoot'splus one.""I'd be more than happy to give that to you," Sirius winked.Rosemary had hoped the lads around her didn't notice the faint blush that had crawled on her cheeks. Shescoffed and crossed her arms once again."Who has the map?" Rosemary asked before standing up from her spot on the couch."It's in my trunk," James narrowed his eyes at her, "What did you need it for?"She smiled, "I didn't realize | need your permission to use our map.""It was just a question princess," James held his hands up, "I'll go get it for you.""Where are you going, Rose?" Sirius asked."Honeydukes," she turned and faced the lad, feeling her heart skip a beat when he began to grin at her."I'm in," he told her.Rosemary rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed, "/ was going to get away from you lot. And I'm out of my Scone "That hurts, Rose," Sirius clutched his shirt where his heart is.She smiled a little at him, "But if you insist..""Absolutely," Sirius grins before snatching the map from James' hand and grabbing Rosemary's before draggingher out of the Common Room without another word. 

   ————- 1993 ———— 

 Rosemary Evans currently sat in a large off located at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had beenyears since she's been here, nearly a decade. Her arms were crossed and one of her legs were bouncing as shewas waiting for the elder wizard to appear. She'd been waiting for this moment for months, ever since she'swoken up in St. Mungos Hospital.Her eyes widened as she watched the chair behind the desk be filled with a wizard looking much older than shehad imagined he'd be by now. He was once her headmaster while attending the school."Ah, Miss Evans," Albus Dumbledore greeted the young woman with a smile as he folded his hands and leanedforward on his desk, "| have waited for this day.""The school year is nearing the end," Rosemary spoke not wanting to waste any time, "I'm still waiting for youapproval.""It's not that simple, Miss Evans," Dumbledore sighed."It actually is," Rosemary said. "And if you don't believe so, then maybe the lad should have a choice in therae"| would have assumed you would be wanting to restore your health completely before taking on a child,"Dumbledore reasoned."lam well enough," Rosemary argued. "I've waited twelve years for this. | have missed too much of my nephew'slife. | was told he doesn't even know | exist. Petunia never once has mentioned me due to her hatred for Lily and I.Bi at-wa\- AVRO ne"| had no say on how she raised the boy," Dumbledore explained. "The end of term is approaching quickly. Maybehe should be the one who decides where he wants to live for the summer holiday.""That's fine by me," Rosemary nodded, "However, he should have been with me this whole time.""Your injuries were remarkable and your recovery even more so," Dumbledore said. "I do hope all is going well foryou."Rosemary tried to keep her face straight as she tried to not think about what had been done to her all those yearsago before she had gone crazy and been forced into a coma so Healers could work on her brain. The worse partwasn't being cruciod over and over, it was rather who had betrayed her and led her to that fate."Lam mostly recovered," Rosemary waved off the matter."You know just as well as | that the boy would have gone to live with you once you had turned eighteen,"Dumbledore continued. "But it's been so long now that Harry is old enough.""When can | meet him?" Rosemary asked eagerly, remembering the last time she saw him in person was when hewas a baby, merely one years old.Dumbledore smiled, "I'll set up a date for you two spend the day in Hogsmeade."Rosemary nodded before standing up, "Thank you, Dumbledore.""If Harry is to choose you, | know he'll be in good hands," he offered encouragement.She smiled softly, "| expect our meeting to be as soon as possible.""| had assume so. You never were good with patience," Dumbledore stated.Rosemary chuckled before apparating back to her small house where she lived alone. She headed into the kitchento make herself some tea before letting out a scream at the sight in the kitchen."Bloody hell, Remus!" Rosemary shouted before smiling at her friend. She walked over and greeted him in a hugwhich he happily returned, holding her close."It's still just as fun to scare you as it was back at Hogwarts," he snickered before handing her a cup, "| came overto see how your meeting had gone."Rosemary let out a sigh before taking a sip of the tea which he had made it to her liking. That was Remus Lupin foryou. "We're letting Harry decide. Dumbledore is suppose to set up a time for us to meet in Hogsmeade.""He'll choose you," Remus said."He doesn't even know me," Rosemary sighed, taking a seat at the table. "He has no idea | exist because toPetunia and her family, | don't.""Harry is lucky enough to still have you," Remus joined by sitting at the chair next to her, covering her hand withhis, giving it a squeeze, "And if anyone in this world has enough love for the boy it's you. No one would take better care of him than you.""Even if I'm mad?" Rosemary lightly joked but knew she was also being serious."You're only partially mad now, Rose," Remus chuckled earning a smile from his best friend."That really boosted my self-esteem, Moony," Rosemary laughed."Lily and James should still be alive," she spoke again quietly. "They should be raising him, not Petunia.""There was nothing we could have done," Remus squeezed the young woman's hand again. "What we have to focus on is Harry."She nodded before drinking more of tea, looking away from her best friend."Cub," Remus said earning a dirty look from Rosemary."I've always hated that name and yet you lads insisted on using it all the time," Rosemary narrowed her eyes.He chuckled, "We can't help what your patronus is.""At least I'm scarier in animagus form," she smirked."I'll give you that one, Rose," Remus said before placing his empty cup of tea in the sink. "Do you need anything else while I'm here?"Rosemary shook her head before standing up, wishing he could stay longer. She hated being alone. Remus was all she had now. Remus gave his friend one last hug, a kiss on the cheek, and apparated to his own home he shared with Tonks. Rosemary waved her wand and watched as her dishes began to clean before walking out into her living room. Her home was too quiet and she hated it. She glanced over at the moving pictures that decorated her house . There were some of her and Lily smiling and goofing around. Her favorite was the one of Lily's graduatingfrom Hogwarts with Sirius and James popping into the photo. She then had pictures that included her three best friends from Hogwarts. Rosemary burned and destroyed anything that contained the person who betrayed her.Her eyes lingered on a picture of her, Remus, James, and Sirius at a Slug Club dinner. Then her favorite picture of all she held in her hands while seated on the couch. It was of her and Sirius attending a Christmas Ball his seventh year at Hogwarts. Her Sirius. She knew he was innocent, he wasn't the one who supposedly betrayed her sister and best friend. Rosemary knew who had most likely done it. Yet, she couldn't even convince Remus that Sirius was innocent and she was prepared to tell him what had actually happened to her the day before her sister was murdered.Rosemary quickly wiped away the tear that fell from her eyes before resting the picture frame down. All she had going for her now was to wait on Dumbledore. She couldn't necessarily work due to what had happened to her, wizards all thought she would still be mad. But there was one thing that helped drive Rosemary back to her sanityand that was Lily and Harry Potter. area

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