Chapter 9: Reunited Lovers and A Sad Goodbye...

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After Astral and Yuma's ceremonial duel, Ryuki appeared behind Midori, who hugs her husband in front of the others, including Yukio, who tries to surpress his anger while Saki tries her best to calm him down.

Midori: What took you so long...

Ryuki: Sorry, I was in Saudi Arabia during my journey.

Midori smiled as she lets Ryuki go and then Yukio jumps up and delivers a slap to his father, who smiled as he falls on his back.

Yuma and the others were surprised by what Yukio just did.

Yuma: He just hit him without any ounce of regret?!

Tori: He really hates him that much.

Saki then sighs as she speaks to Midori, who simply smiled at the sight of Yukio and Ryuki bickering.

Saki: I think he inherited your younger self's fierce attitude.

Yukio: So what's the point of going to Saudi Arabia if it was just a vacation?!

Ryuki: Heh~, Is that how youngsters greet their fathers these days??

Saki then speaks.

Saki: Well you two should...

Yukio stepped forward to stand up to his father.

Yukio: Enough with the carefree attitude, you idiot of a father!

Ryuki: If you want this idiot of a father to apologize, Why don't we settle this with a duel!!

Yukio: Alright, You asked for it!

Saki facepalmed as she sighed.

Saki: He admitted that he's an idiot...

Yukio and Ryuki activates their D-Pad in Duel Mode then the two yells.

Yukio/Ryuki: Duel!

Yukio LP: 4000

Ryuki LP: 4000

Turn: Ryuki

Ryuki summons a monster from his hand.

Ryuki: I summon Dragon Soldier from my hand.

Dragon Soldier
LV 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1200

Ryuki: When there's a "Dragon" monster in the field, I can special summon the LV 7 "Dragon Kaiser" from my hand! Then using its effect, I can turn Dragon Soldier into a LV 7 monster!

Dragon Kaiser
LV 7 / ATK 2700 / DEF 1900

Dragon Soldier
LV 4 > 7 / ATK 1700 / DEF 1200

Ryuki raised his hand and yells.

Ryuki: I overlay both my LV 7 Dragon Soldier and Kaiser to build the Overlay Network!

Yuma and the others gasps as Ryuki's monsters enters the Overlay network.

Ryuki: With your burning sword and gun, pierce the darkness and carve the future! I XYZ summon! Appear, Rank 7! Inferno Armed Red Dragon!

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