~How We Met~

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       My friends and I are really close. My name is Akira Tomonori and I'm a half-demon with the Sight and an anti-akuma weapon. I'm 17 and my half-siblings are Kamui and Lenaleigh. My friends are Inihana Takada who happend to be a very happy fun neko and Kage Mushiyo a neko-like wolf.
              I remember when Allen Walker first showed up. Everyone was just kinda zoned out watching the security tapes of the gate when Lenaleigh and I noticed a white-haired boy come to the gate. But, I noticed his hand. He's cursed like me. He's an excorsist. Having Sebstian Michalis as a father has its perks.
"Someone go push him off." Kamui said.
I glared at Kamui then the others. "I dare someone to try and you will be thrown off the cliff yourself." I gave them my "innocent" smile. Gatekeeper started freaking out. Then I saw Kanda. Oh no. I ran out before anyone said a word. As I got there Kanda was about to attack him with Mogi, but I caught it just in time.
"Stop. He's an excorsist. Look at his right hand." I told Kanda calmly. He looked at his hand seeing I was right.
"Sorry about that. Gatekeeper always goes nuts when he can't get a reading.I'm Akira, it's nice to meet you." I smiled.
"Half-breed." Kanda and Gatekeeper muttered.
"I'm Allen Walker. Th-thanks for the save." He said. I smiled.
"Come on, Lenaleigh can give you a tour." I said. I found Lenaleigh and left Allen to her. I went to my room. Nobody lived anywhere near me. I'm not ashamed I'm half-demon . I love my dad and his master is like a brother to me. But, only Kamui and Lenaleigh accept me. Though they can't argue that I get my job done and my really good at my job. I don't fool around.
***  ***
"Why does it seem like not many people like Akira?" I asked.
"It's not my place to tell you. But, I can take you to her quarters." Lenaleigh lead me to a floor that looked abandoned. She opened the door.Then let me in and closed the door. Akira looked up and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Let me guess you asked Lenaleigh about me and she sent you here, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"My father is the Demon Prince and a Demon Butler Sebastian Michalis. Kamui, Lenaleigh, and I have the same mother or at least we had the same mother until an akuma killed her. Plus, I was born with ability to see akuma and I have a cursed purple anti-akuma weapon." She said, turning away. I just stood there staring. She's a half-demon? And an excorsist? She looked my way again.

"Having trouble running away like everyone else? Or try to use your anti-akuma weapon on me?" She looked away again then walked up to the window staring outside. I walked up to her confused.

"Why would I run away? You're an excorsist and saved me from that guy." I said.

"Kanda. The only reason I'm not dead is beacause of my dad, Kamui, and Lenaleigh. But, I have proven that I'm an ally. I'm really good at my job and don't fool around." She said.

I smiled at her. "I won't run away. I promise."

She looks at me then hugs me. "And I'll always be here for you too. I promise, Allen."

I hugged her back. I never get hugged.And she's pretty cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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