Blue grey

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I'm fucking happy but I feel like a little fish in a big pond ;)

My name is Noah and I'm walking beside my two brothers, leading them at the burial of our grandma. Cancer took her life, she was pretty young and active, even if she has a deep voice from someone domineering.

I feel empty. It rains and it's already late. I complain about the weather of my heart, the clouds, the waves which swallow me up, the night and the vicinity of the cemeteries.

I hear the thunder but it's like I was muffled by the warm of the room near the dark outside. The sky flows in my throat and fills me with tears. I'm just imprisoned in a desert city of another century. I'm alone and I fall again and again. I'm losing control of my body as in a nightmare.

I want to feel something like having my stomach full or being angry or breaking dishes or glass. Not feeling powerless and exhausted and on the point to burst into tears. Maybe I'm anxious. I'm certainly anxious. I still have the opportunity to by the cursed artist but I don't even have inspiration. I feel bad. Even if I'm trying, even if I know it's just a phase. I'm lying in my bed, listening to the rain lullaby.

"J'me sens bien dans la noirceur j'me sens dans mon élément"

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