10) Scary dad is back ❤️🌎 (Flo)

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Age : 12

Tw : abusive , family chaos . Mention of r@pe , threatened to kill.

A/N - hello guys .. its like i am so much tired now and my exams are starting from 1st march and ends 8 th march . But i will try to update because i have fixed schedule for it .AND YES I USED ZACH AS THE BAD GUY . SORRY DONT MIND . IN NEXT STORY HE WILL BE GOOD.  Anyways please vote the story . Thanks for supporting . Take care of urselves and love u all ❤️

Y/n's pov :

I woke up on our bed but found no one beside me . Where is mum? I thought . I yawned and got up . I went downstairs to see mum making breakfast . But she is in her home clothes . Usually she has to go to set but why isn't she ready yet ?

" Mama "i said as I rubbed my eyes .

"Oh darling . Come and have ur breakfast" mum said . I sat on the breakfast table .

" Mama don't u have work today?" I asked . She smiled and planted a small kiss on my head .

" Today is daughter's day . How can I not spend the day with my baby girl ? Now eat and then we will go for a walk with billy and goldi. Then we will go for some shopping and then some movies .Cooking together maybe .. a exciting day is planned ahead baby girl " mum said . I was so shocked and happy . She will compromise her work for me . I could not contain myself but hug my mum .

" Thanks mama for everything " i said . She kissed my cheek .

" Ur wlcm baby girl . I am a mother so this is my basic love for u baby" mama said .

We ate our food . I got dressed for a walk with my  dogs . Billy is old so she is chilled but our new dog , goldi is 1 year old golden retriever . She is just so hyperactive .  We really have trouble with her .

"Let's go " mum said After getting ready .

Mum took billy and I took goldi. So we were walking and we reached the park . We let the dogs go. 

" Mama practically they are ur daughters too " i said

" Yes they are and that's why I brought them to the dog park " mum said smiling .

I got up and played with billy and goldi with a ball . But suddenly , i saw mum sitting with a man . He was putting his hand on mum's shoulder and talking .

I went to mum . She doesnt seem comfortable with the man .  

" Oh um who is it ?" I asked .

" I am ur dad . Ur mum's boyfriend .. i have come back for my family " he said .

I never met my dad . Mum said he left us when she was pregnant with me . But why all of a sudden he came back .

" Why are u back . U left us ?" I asked

" Um it's like . I learned from my mistake and now I need to apologise " he said .

" My name is zach" he said . Mum was still not comfortable . I can understand . We went home along with Zach .

As soon as we get home . He locks the door .

" Now I got u two .. u both will be in so much trouble " he said and laughed like an evil .

". Now u are trapped again Flo . I have missed u for years babe . Let's have some fun " Zach said and tried to touch my mum .

" JUST FUCK OFF  " mum yelled . 

" i will babe . But not before fucking u " he said.  I ran to him and punched him .

"WTF . U BRAT "he hit me and blood ran down my mouth and cheeks as big cuts formed .

" Y/n . " Mum hold me . I have already called 911. And I have put my phone near us so that they can hear us .



" Ok then " he takes out his gun and clicks on my head .

" No no no no don't kill her . U can do whatever u want to do with me " mum said

" No mum . He cant . I am here .. " i said but just then the cops came .

" WTF . I WONT SPARE U BOTH "zach yelled as police arrested him . They folk him away .

Mum talked to the officer . And after she was done .

She cried in front of me .

" Mama why are u crying ? I am here with u always " i said giving her a hug . She hold me like a baby and sobbed. I let her cry because she will be ok then .

After sometime i wiped her tears .

" Mama what did he do with u ?" I asked her .

" i didn't want u ever know this but it's now time to let u know the truth . He was very abusive towards me . As we dated  years after years , he abused me . He had r@ped me several times. But I had to marry this man because I was pregnant with ur elder brother "mum said and stopped

"What do u mean by brothers and sisters mum ?" I asked

" U had two brothers and one sister  but he killed them . " Mum said and cried
I was in pure shock .

" But how mum ?" I asked

" Ur first brother, Daniel got killed after birth . He told doctor to do something . Ur second brother , George  died in my womb after the gender reveal as he kicked me . Ur sister, Amayra died as she was given some wrong medicine . But now I know it's all his plan" mum said .

Tears ran down my eyes . How can he do that ? He killed my brothers and sister.

"But mama how did I survived " i asked

"When u were born . I fled away with u . Ur aunts and uncles helped me . So he could not kill u " mum said . I hugged her .

"Thanks mum for saving me from this man . But was i a result of r-" i was cut off by her

" Yes but I don't regret it . U are the best gift of my life baby girl " mum said putting a hand on my cheek . She kissed my head . I snuggled into her .

" Mama , i love u so much . u are so brave mama . Thanks but i wish my brothers and sister were here . " I said as tears dropped down my eyes  . Mum wiped it .

" They are watching u from heaven " mum said . I cuddled with mum .

" Let's have some food and watch a movie baby girl " mum said . I nod .

She grabbed some food and we watched black widow while I put my head on her lap .

I traced her face like I did when I was toddler .

Mum took my hand and kissed it .

" This is my same baby y/n " mum said and we giggled . We watched the movie and in half way in snored . Before falling asleep fully i heard .

" Mama loves u baby . Take a nap. U have been through a lot today . Mama is here when u wake up " she said stroking my hair . She kissed my head and i slept. I know i am in safest place on this earth .


Words : 1159

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